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'Troppo' Season 2: Who killed Brooke? With another murder in town, Ted Conkaffey must watch his back

Unforeseen trouble awaits for Ted Conkaffey in the final episode of 'Troppo' Season 2
Ted Conkaffey finds himself amid a big conspiracy in 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)
Ted Conkaffey finds himself amid a big conspiracy in 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers for 'Troppo' Season 2

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: 'Troppo' Season 2, streaming on Prime Video, amps up the thrill in Episode 7 as the story inches closer to the conclusion.

The latest season shows Amanda Pharrell (Nicole Chamoun) and Ted Conkaffey (Thomas Jane) taking up a new murder case in Crimson Lake which ultimately exposes a drug ring.

Simultaneously, Amanda investigates Ted Conkaffey's case in which he was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl. Though all the charges were dropped against him, he still faces harassment from the cops due to their inability to find another suspect or lead.

Colin Finch conspires against Ted Conkaffey in 'Troppo' Season 2

Brett Tucker as Colin Finch in 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)
Brett Tucker as Colin Finch in 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)

In Episode 7 of 'Troppo' Season 2, Amanda begins to suspect Colin Finch (Brett Tucker) in Brooke's (Sara West) murder. As the spotlight shifts to this character, we speculate that Amanda might be right.

Colin secretly enters Ted's residence and plants evidence. Though the scene doesn't give away what Colin has hidden in Ted's house, we believe that it is Brooke's earring.

If you recall, one of Brooke's earrings was missing when Amanda saw her body in the hospital. Later, we saw Colin finding Brooke's earring in the trunk of his car.

The episode also reveals that Colin is the real culprit in Claire's rape case, for which Ted was the primary suspect. This suggests that Colin might be trying to frame Ted again for his own crimes.

Ted Conkaffey's fate hangs in the air in 'Troppo' Season 2

Thomas Jane and Nicole Chamoun return in lead roles in 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)
Thomas Jane and Nicole Chamoun in a still from 'Troppo' Season 2 (@primevideo)

Episode 7 climaxes with Ted getting into an accident while trying to save Ralph (Ethan Lwin) from drug mafias.

In the upcoming episode, Colin will likely tip off the cops, leading them to raid Ted's house and find the evidence he planted.

Things are getting tougher for Ted, and Amanda might be his only hope. She has already uncovered Colin's truth, and it's only a matter of time before she gathers enough evidence against him in Claire's rape case and Brooke's murder.

'Troppo' Season 2 is available to stream on Prime Video