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5 mind-boggling theories about M Night Shyamalan's new movie 'Trap'

M Night Shyamalan's 'Trap' is all set to debut on Friday, August 2 in theaters near you
Despite revealing Josh Hartnett's character as a serial killer, we suspect there's more to the story behind 'Trap' (@warnerbros)
Despite revealing Josh Hartnett's character as a serial killer, we suspect there's more to the story behind 'Trap' (@warnerbros)

Wraning: Contains speculations and spoilers for 'Trap', reader's discretion advised 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: M. Night Shyamalan's new thriller 'Trap' is shrouded in mystery, but its trailer hints at a surprising twist. Despite revealing Josh Hartnett's character as a serial killer, we suspect there's more to the story.

Shyamalan is known for defying expectations and delivering unexpected turns, so it's likely 'Trap' has a hidden layer.

The trailer shows Hartnett's character attending a concert with his daughter, only to discover it's a trap set by federal agents. This seems like a typical cat-and-mouse game, but we, as Shyamalan's fans know better.

Will 'Trap' be a straightforward thriller or another mind-bending ride from Shyamalan? Only time will tell. On that note, here are 5 fan theories about 'Trap' that just might be true!

Is 'Trap' a sequel to 'The Sixth Sense'?

A still from the movie 'The Sixth Sense' (@disney+)
A still from the movie 'The Sixth Sense' (@disney+)

In 'The Sixth Sense', a ghost named Kyra tells Cole that her mom was poisoning her. Now, a theory suggests something similar might happen in 'Trap'.

The trailer shows Josh Hartnett's character, The Butcher, as a serial killer. But how did the police find out about him?

The trailer shows the police setting a trap for The Butcher at a concert. But it's unclear how they knew he'd be there. One theory is that one of his victims, like Kyra, told someone - maybe even Cole Sear from 'The Sixth Sense' - about the killer's identity.

This could have tipped off the police, who are now using the concert to catch him. It's a clever idea that surprisingly connects the two movies.

Is The Butcher's daughter a vampire in 'Trap'?

Josh Hartnett and Ariel Donoghue in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)
Josh Hartnett and Ariel Donoghue in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)

The 2008 movie 'Let The Right One In' features a vampire's caretaker who kills for blood. Similarly, M. Night Shyamalan's 'Trap' might reveal that Josh Hartnett's character kills to keep his daughter alive. Or, his daughter could be a vampire and a killer, and he's protecting her from the law.

This twist would fit with Shyamalan's inspiration from his bond with his daughters. It could also connect 'Trap' to the 'Unbreakable' universe, which combines supernatural and psychological horror with complex characters.

If true, this could lead to a larger Shyamalan cinematic universe, despite 'Glass' receiving poor reviews. This would be an exciting turn, merging 'Trap' with the 'Unbreakable' trilogy's themes and characters.

Does The Butcher's daughter know about his secret in 'Trap'? 

Josh Hartnett and Ariel Donoghue in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)
Josh Hartnett and Ariel Donoghue in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)

One theory suggests that The Butcher's own daughter turned him in to the police. She might have discovered her father's dark secret and decided to bring him to justice. This would explain how the police knew he'd be at the concert.

The police couldn't arrest him just because of a tip from a young girl, so they set a trap at the concert. But, as the trailer shows, The Butcher finds out about the plan. He might also discover that his own daughter betrayed him.

This could lead to a dramatic and intense confrontation between The Butcher and his daughter, adding a layer of complexity to the story.

Are the federal agents really after The Butcher? It could be a 'Trap' 

Saleka Shyamalan in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)
Saleka Shyamalan in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)

A new theory suggests that Josh Hartnett's The Butcher might not be the real serial killer. Maybe he thinks the police are after him, but they're actually looking for someone else. If that's true, the real killer could be at the concert too.

This twist would add a new layer of complexity and even dark humor to the story. But, it's a tricky twist to pull off. The movie would need to make it exciting and meaningful, without getting too confusing. If done right, it could be a game-changer for 'Trap'.

Who really set the 'Trap' up? 

Josh Hartnett in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)
Josh Hartnett in a still from 'Trap' (@warnerbros)

The title 'Trap' makes us think that the federal agents are trying to catch The Butcher. But, what if The Butcher is actually the one setting a trap? Maybe he wants the agents to think he's going to be at the concert, so they'll go there and leave him alone to do something else.

This would mean that The Butcher is very smart and sneaky. He's using the agents' plan against them. It's exciting to see M. Night Shyamalan making a movie that's full of surprises again.

He's good at making twists that nobody sees coming. Whatever happens in 'Trap', it's sure to be unexpected and thrilling.

'Trap' trailer


'Trap' is all set to hit theatres near you on Friday, August 2