'Tough as Nails': Can Danny beat Murph and win $60,000 for his team or will he give into pressure?

The Savage Crew and Dirty Hands have been competing with each other throughout the season and in the latest episode (August 26), the teams completed their final challenge. For a long time, Dirty Hands had been winning all the competitions, but once the Savage Crew got together and worked out their issues, there was no turning back.
The team started winning all the competitions and showed everyone what unity looks like. After competing in a number of challenges, the teams came together to perform the team task one last time. Unlike the team challenges that they had played before, this one was different. Rather than playing as a whole, the teams had to choose specific members who would go up against a member from the other team. The task involved breaking wood using three different tools given to them. While one team member had the freedom of choosing their opponent, the other had a chance to choose the tool they wanted to use.
One by one, all the team members chose the opponents who they thought would win the challenge. As this came to an end, the Savage Crew managed to win the task as the score was 5-3. However, the team task was not over yet. One member from each team had to compete again in a bid to win $60,000. The Savage team decided to choose Kelly “Murph” Murphy and the Dirty Hands chose Danny Moody. Danny admitted that he felt the pressure of winning the task for everyone and bringing the money. He feared the worst as losing the task would mean everyone lost their chance at winning big.
Meanwhile, Murph felt happy about being selected as this made him feel like everyone trusted him. However, with this, came the pressure of winning. He knew that this was the last time he could show the team how much they mean to him and he wasn't going to give up on the task. As the competition started, both of them put their best foot forward and pushed to complete the task. For the task, Murph and Danny had to complete all the three tasks of cutting the wood that was offered before in the game. While they had been going neck to neck in the first challenge, things took a turn in the second challenge as Danny got a lead.
However, Murph did not back down. He came back fighting and was racing to win the challenge. Unfortunately, there could only be one winner. With just a little margin, Danny managed to beat Murph and brought the $60,000 to the team.
'Tough as Nails' airs on Wednesdays at 9 pm ET on CBS.