'Top Chef': Brian Malarkey creating more drama than good food, fans say they don't want him in the finale

The fight to the finish is getting tougher by the minute with everyone stepping up. But Brian Malarkey seems to be taking his time understanding the dynamics of the competition. More focussed on scoring camera time, this chef has been creating more drama than good food. At least, that seems to be the impression he has given the viewers who don't want him in the 'Top Chef' finale.
Today, the chefs will be competing in the final quickfire challenge before they jet off to Italy for the last leg of the contest. And from the looks of it, Brian may quit before the European dreams see the light of day. Could it be the pressure of deadlines, criticisms by the judges or did he finally realize that maybe a peer could use his spot on the show? The reasons are mere speculations at the moment and either way, viewers want him gone. And, their thoughts have been pretty unwavering since day 1.
Over the weeks, Brian's many missteps have been let off the hook. But, maybe it's because he took stock of those since he may just lose out on a major opportunity and an impressive cash prize.
His culinary sins so far include throwing Lee Anne Wong under the bus by mishandling her hummus seasoning and salvaging it by saying one little sorry. He even kept a little notebook that featured a list of names that would be eliminated each week. This one time, he tried to present tomatoes and mozzarella with a vinaigrette dressing as fine-dine cuisine only to be harshly critiqued. To make matter worse, he even failed the signature condiment challenge, in which the panel thought his relish was oily. However, he did learn from his failed icecream missions and was finally able to churn something the judges, especially Padma Lakshmi was impressed with.
Meanwhile, fans seem to have made their decision about Brian. And even though they don't have their finalists picked out yet, the internet knows whom they don't want on the show anymore. "Send Malarkey packing he is so painful to watch with his big ego," a viewer commented, while another added: "Just shows again, money can't buy class. He is classless! Sick of him."
"I just think he doesn't handle competition very well," a user posted. "My thoughts on #TopChef this season: ANYONE BUT MALARKEY 2020."
Catch all the new episodes of 'Top Chef' on Bravo every Thursday.