Top 5 Comic Book Moments of the Week: Burglars in high fashion and costumes made of bees, twice

Spoiler alert for the comics released February 5, 2020
You never really know what a comics week will bring you, and this week appears to be all about superhero fashion trends. This week's comics saw Doctor Doom get a version of his costume from the future delivered personally by Kang, Ms Marvel pulled a leaf out of Spider-Man's book and battled her new costume while returning to her old one, and those don't even crack the Top 5.
5. Ant-Man's new costume is made out of bees?
It turns out that with some tinkering, Ant-Man's helmet can help him talk to more than just ants. The entire insect kingdom is at his beck and call. More or less. If he's polite about it. In a new mini-series, Ant-Man investigates the disappearance of bees from their hives and comes across the supervillain, Swarm, who is a Nazi scientist, who is made out of bees and can also control bees. Yes, Marvel knows how ridiculous that is. Harnessing the power of bees himself, Ant-Man calls for some protection, giving him a layer of swarmed bees to keep him safe.

4. Black Cat pulls an Angelina Jolie
Once you get past the J Scott Campbell covers, 'Black Cat' has actually had some of the best and most stylish art in comics right now, and this month's issue is no different. After tracking down a painting owned by "Patch" (a very, very badly disguised Wolverine), only to find it's been stolen by someone else, Black Cat enlists Wolverine's aid in hitting the casino where the painting is most likely to be. Artist Kris Anka has her and Wolverine dressed to the nines, designing an outfit that's reminiscent of Angeline Jolie's famous Golden Globes look from 2014, but one with just enough highlights to mark Black Cat's trademark style.

3. Another bee costume, we warned you
Yes, it's another costume made entirely out of bees, in the same week! 'Spider-Verse' #5 sees Miles Morales pay a visit to Spider-Man Noir on his Earth. The spider idol that gave Spider-Man Noir his powers has been stolen by Nazi scientist Madame Sturm, who unlocks its powers to merge with the true object of her research: Bees. She rises gloriously wreathed in bees, surrounded by the juxtaposed energies of science and magic, as her universe's Madam Swarm.

2. The suit makes the man, the cape makes the Manhunter
Before he was a superhero, the Martian Manhunter was something to hide. J'onn J'onnz has been on a long journey towards his superhero identity, in a prequel maxi-series that saw its final issue released yesterday. After the death of his family, and, indeed, entire species, J'onn has been in hiding as Detective John Jones. However, the emergence of a Martian criminal on Earth has forced J'onn to face his fears, his shame and most importantly his own identity. Embracing them all (in some cases quite literally), J'onn emerges through the fires of his past to finally accept the identity of the Martian Manhunter, wearing his iconic, cape-inclusive costume for the very first time.

1. Callisto cuts to the chase and the coat of her dreams
As White King of the new Hellfire Trading Company, Emma Frost is recruiting, and she sees no one more fit for the position of White Knight than Callisto. She has mutant fashion designer Jumbo Carnation design a white coat for Callisto, which Callisto eventually accepts...with some modifications. Whipping out her trademark knives in response to Frost's offer, it seems like Callisto is going for an attack. But instead, she merely cuts off the coat's sleeves to make something that's a little more her style and Jumbo Carnation approves.

She later commits to the whole "White Knight" bit by exchanging her yellow top for a white one, which she's seen wearing while whipping a friendly knife at her old pal Storm.
That's all for this week. What were your favorite moments for New Comic Book Day this week? Let us know in the comments.