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'Too Hot to Handle' fans slam Valentina Rueda Velez for doing Bri Balram dirty

'THTH' Season 6 fans slam Valentina Rueda Velez for doing Bri Balram dirty by kissing her man Demari Davis
UPDATED JUL 20, 2024
'THTH' star Valentina Rueda Velez criticized for kissing Bri Balram's connection Demari Davis (@netflix)
'THTH' star Valentina Rueda Velez criticized for kissing Bri Balram's connection Demari Davis (@netflix)

TKCA 1ZZ, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS: Brianna "Bri" Balram and DeMari Davis had settled into a pleasant rhythm in the early leg of 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 when Valentina Rueda Velez arrived. Demari was so certain that Bri wouldn't need to worry when he informed her that Valentina had chosen him from the group of men to go on a date.

But Demari decided to prolong their meeting with Valentina for an additional half-hour after their one-hour allotted time ran out, and that's when they had their first kiss.

Demari Davis slammed by 'THTH' Season 6 fans for ditching Brianna Balram for Valentina Rueda Velez (Netflix)
Demari Davis slammed by 'THTH' Season 6 fans for ditching Brianna Balram for Valentina Rueda Velez (@netflix)

To add insult to injury, Bri was sent to the exile quarters once again for the duration of the date and had to stay there until it was over.

Lana then gave Demari a choice: keep Bri in banishment for another 12 hours so he could spend more time with Valentina, or alleviate Bri's misery right away. Though he chose to release Bri, he hesitated, which Lana observed and relayed to a dissatisfied Bri.

Before the final credits rolled, a worried DeMari was left teetering on the brink of the truth as the two got together at the conclusion of the show to talk about the specifics of his date with Valentina.

On Reddit, fans claim, "Valentina is so obviously a plant, because there is no way 😂😭." Another chimed in, "No way Demari found her more attractive than Bri😭😭."

One user commented under the thread, "Can’t believe Damari kissed Valentina!!!" A fourth viewer wrote, "The way Valentina speaks annoys me, and not trying to be rude but she needs to find bikini's in her size."

On X, one viewer wrote, "Valentina taking pride in doing Bri dirty (for a weak ass kiss), there’s NO sense of girlhood in that villa godddamn. I couldn’t be friends with yall LMAO."


What happened between Brianna "Bri" Balram and Demari Davis in 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6?

Bri didn't take long to make it obvious that she was attracted to Demari. Shortly after entering the retreat, she informed him in front of the group, "I'd love a drink, and I'd love you," she said, luring him away for a private conversation in which she revealed to Demari that he was her type.

Though Bri had her sights set on Demari, she couldn't resist checking things out with Chris Alli since this wouldn't be 'Too Hot to Handle' without a little rule-breaking from the outset. When the truth was out, her taunting got her to kiss both men—none of whom knew the other—and she was sent to the exile quarters.

She ultimately decided that Demari was the person she wanted to be with after having some time to reflect on what she had done. After being released, Bri attempted to woo Demari back, and it succeeded until Valentina showed up.

'Too Hot to Handle' newbie Valentina Rueda Velez stirs up drama between Demari Davis and Bri Balram (Instagram/@valentinarueda.v, @demaridavis4, @thebriannabalram)
'Too Hot to Handle' newbie Valentina Rueda Velez stirs up drama between Demari Davis and Bri Balram (Instagram/@valentinarueda.v/@demaridavis4/@thebriannabalram)

Are Brianna Balram and Demari Davis still together in 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6?

That all hinges on Demari's willingness to be honest, as well as Bri's reaction to this blow. Thankfully, we may extract some information from the Episode 5 trailer, which confirms that Bri is aware of Demari's kiss with Valentina.

"He called your kiss frivolous spending," an angry Bri told Valentina on the video. Bri's stern remarks, however, appeared to have had little effect on the novice.

Instead, she responded, "He liked me enough to leave you?"

It's unclear whether Demari was the one who told Bri the truth, but it appears the two have split ways. Bri acknowledged at the beginning of the series that she needed Lana's assistance in learning to trust men, and this circumstance won't help in that regard.

Furthermore, Bri added, "Demari can kiss me goodbye, but not on the lips," but it's unclear if Demari is prepared to let her go.

'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 stars Brianna
'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 stars Brianna "Bri" Balram and DeMari Davis (/@netflix)

Who is Valentina Rueda Velez in 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6?

Valentina, a 23-year-old Colombian born on April 14, 2001, now calls the United States home.

Valentina, who is 5'8", is a model who added new energy to the event with her vivacious attitude and undeniable appeal. Her appearance has undoubtedly sparked interest among the other contenders, bringing a new aspect to the already tight battle.

'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 newbie Valentina Rueda Velez is a model from Colombia (Instagram/@valentinarueda.v)
'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 newbie Valentina Rueda Velez is a model from Colombia (Instagram/@valentinarueda.v)

'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 Episodes 1-4 are now available to view on Netflix, with a new set of episodes released every Friday