Tom Hardy grants cancer patient's DYING WISH in heartbreaking video

WARWICK, ENGLAND: Tom Hardy reportedly video-called a superfan who was receiving end-of-life care in a Warwick hospice in order to fulfill her dying wish. Staff at the Myton Hospice were compelled to post a public call-out on social media after Jo-Anne Shaw, 58, revealed that talking with the 'Venom' actor was the only dream she had.
The post read, "After a chat with Jo-Anne, it was revealed that she would love to fulfill her final wish and meet Tom (Hardy)! Through the power of social media and our wonderful supporters, we would love to try to make this happen for Jo-Anne, we appreciate Tom may be busy or out of the country but even a video would be incredible." After receiving more than 3,000 likes and hundreds of comments and shares on social media, the post eventually reached the 'Venom' actor, who replied, "Be my pleasure."
According to the mother of two, Hardy video-called her on Friday afternoon, December 9, 2022, and talked to her "as if he was a friend." "I'm such a big fan of his, I've watched all his movies and boxsets, especially during lockdown. I love him to bits," she told BBC, as per Daily Mail. "I haven't been very well for a while now, but he put me on a pedestal for a day and that's all I can ask for. He has made my day." During the call, Hardy referred to Shaw as "a very popular lady."
A friend even sent Shaw a life-size cardboard cutout of the actor instead of flowers. The hospice shared an update on social media thanking everyone who helped ensure that their appeal reached Hardy and his team. The post read, "THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR HELPING US SPREAD THE WORD! We are thrilled to say that Jo-Anne not only spoke to Tom this morning on the phone but has just had a Facetime with Tom too! We will be releasing more information in the upcoming days but for now, thank you all so much! You truly are amazing!" The spokesperson continued, "We've been blown away by Tom's kindness and support too. Jo-Anne and her family cannot thank you enough for making this happen."