‘Unexpected’: Is Lilliana wrong to kick pregnant daughter Myrka out? Fans say 'it's not the baby's fault'

In the December 27 episode of TLC’s ‘Unexpected’, we saw Myrka and Ethan hang out with their friends. Myrka claimed it was very common in South Texas for women to get pregnant in their teenage years and there was nothing unusual about it.
Myrka's mother told her that she wouldn’t support her in any way if she got pregnant. Myrka felt happy about being able to hang out with her and Ethan’s friends, a group of 16-year-olds like they used to and it was as if nothing had changed. Myrka’s friends however didn’t feel the same way. One of them confessed that Myrka was the “innocent, little girl” in the group and she never expected her to get pregnant. Another friend of Ethan confessed that when Ethan called him up saying, Myrka and he were expecting a baby, he didn’t know how to respond to him as he never imagined he would have a child at 16.
Later they went for their ultrasound, as expected Myrka’s mother Lilliana didn’t accompany her. In the last episode, she made it clear that she would have nothing to do with the baby. Lilliana had earlier said being Mexican her family was very religious and went to church every Sunday. It came as a shock to viewers when Lilliana said she insisted Myrka terminate the pregnancy and when her daughter said it was out of the question, she kicked her out of the house. Even though Lilliana’s step to punish her daughter by throwing her out of the house was extreme, the callousness of the couple, Myrka and Ethan was quite annoying when they made statements like, “We didn’t use condoms even though we had it.” A viewer said even though they see Lilliana’s point, it’s not the baby’s fault, “I understand where her mother is coming from. But it is not the baby’s fault for coming into this world. Support your grandchild. One day your grandchild will resent you once they find out what you did. #loveyourgrandchild.”
Another wrote, “You can be disappointed in your child’s life choices, but how can you not emotionally support your child through a pregnancy? That’s so cold hearted. I hope that child never sees this show and hear your words ever!!” Another comment said, “Everyone will hate me for saying this but I understand why the mother did it. Teens keep having child after child because they know grand parents will take care of them. It’s a lesson she has to learn and I don’t think the mother doesn’t love her or the baby but she has to let her be responsible of her decisions.” Another comment said, “This is merely my opinion & I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but Your Mother loves you, but she's practicing tough love. Sometimes it doesn't feel that way, but teaching you that your choices have consequences, is a very responsible parenting choice.”
However, Ethan’s parents, who themselves recently had a baby girl, support them with everything they need. They were there for the ultrasound and joined the couple’s excitement when they said they didn’t want to know the gender of the baby yet. A viewer wrote, “Bless his parents for being there and being supportive, even of they don't agree with the situation they are still there!”
Catch ‘Unexpected’ on Sundays at 10 pm ET/PT on TLC.