‘My 600-lb Life’: Lindsey feels she’ll end up eating herself to death if she continues giving in to addiction

Episode 2 of Season 8 of ‘My 600-lb Life’ follows Lindsey Witte, 39, who weighs over 600 pounds. She’s supported by her husband, Paul, as her enormous frame restricts her from even performing the basic tasks.
Food is the only factor that enables her to move around. All she ever thinks of is food and despite binging on a wholesome meal, she has the urge to eat more.
Lindsey’s weight gain, similar to several others we have witnessed on ‘600-lb Life’, was triggered by a disturbed childhood and the emotional turmoil her personal life got her entangled in.
Lindsey revealed that she first turned to food for comfort when her parents separated, due to her father’s multiple extramarital affairs. However, she continued to abuse her body with food when her father’s unhealthy relationship with his third wife worsened her mental health causing constant panic attacks.
Although she managed to get herself out of the disturbing relationship she shared with her father, her weight increased further when her boyfriend encouraged her to get bigger. While her gigantic structure was a marvel to him initially, he began abusing her for the same as time passed.
Lindsey further reveals that she underwent gastric surgery earlier and lost half the weight by the time she was 30. However, she couldn’t evade her addiction for food too long as she went down the spiral of self-destruction yet again.
She further reveals that her husband, Paul, is addicted as well, but to alcohol and not food. And, whenever he overdrank, she would have the urge to eat. Lindsey feels their addictions are the reason for their successful marriage.
Paul has begun to get frustrated with her eating habits and Lindsey wants to change her lifestyle as she fears it would destroy her marriage. If this last attempt to get help doesn’t work, she feels she is going to end up eating herself to death.