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Time4Fun: Brazilian officials launch investigation into company behind Taylor Swift Rio shows after fan's death

Police say the investigation is connected to 'the crime of endangering the life and health' of concertgoers
UPDATED NOV 23, 2023
Brazilian officials launch probe into Time4Fun, owned by Fernando Luiz Alterio, that organized Taylor Swift's Rio de Janeiro concert (Facebook, Getty Images)
Brazilian officials launch probe into Time4Fun, owned by Fernando Luiz Alterio, that organized Taylor Swift's Rio de Janeiro concert (Facebook, Getty Images)

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: Brazilian officials have launched a probe into Time4Fun, owned by Fernando Luiz Alterio, the entity responsible for organizing Taylor Swift's Rio de Janeiro concerts.

The investigation comes after Clara Benevides Machado, a Brazilian student attending a concert of the Eras Tour in Rio de Janeiro on November 17, suffered a cardiac arrest during a heat wave and died.

Civil Police Department of Rio de Janeiro said its consumer delegations department had launched an inquiry into “the crime of endangering the life and health” of concertgoers.

The statement said, “Event organizers will be called to testify, and other steps are underway to investigate the facts,” according to the Daily Mail.

The owner of T4F, 71-year-old Fernando Luiz Alterio, has an extensive background in the music and entertainment industry (FB)
The owner of T4F, Fernando Luiz Alterio, has an extensive background in the music and entertainment industry (Facebook)

What led to Ana Clara Benevides Machado's tragic death?

Ana Clara Benevides Machado, 23, lost consciousness during Swift's show on November 17 and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Although the investigation is not directly connected to Machado's death, it coincides with concerns raised about the extreme heat conditions during the event, where temperatures in the stadium reportedly soared to 138 degrees Fahrenheit.

Taylor Swift tributes Ana Clara Benevides during Rio concert (Getty Images, Britnie Trescastro/Facebook)
Ana Clara Benevides died during Taylor Swift's concert in Brazil
(Getty Images, Britnie Trescastro/Facebook)

The show took place amid a record-breaking heatwave, prompting fans to voice their distress on social media, urging the concert organizer, Time For Fun (T4F), to ensure access to water and utilizing the hashtag 'T4F WE DEMAND RESPECT'.

Time For Fun expressed their condolences for Ana Clara Benevides Machado's death

Time For Fun, the third-largest live entertainment company in Latin America, is no stranger to hosting major events and festivals, having played a pivotal role in organizing shows for international stars like Madonna, Britney Spears, and Coldplay.

Owned by 71-year-old Fernando, the company has been a significant player in the entertainment industry since its founding in 1987.

The CEO of T4F, expressed condolences after Machado's passing, stating, "Yesterday night, Ana Clara felt unwell and was assisted by a team of emergency workers and paramedics... After nearly an hour of emergency assistance, she regrettably died," Daily Mail reports.

T4F also announced measures to provide fans with water bottles and some sealed foods for the next shows, but Saturday's performance was ultimately postponed.

The investigation now seeks to shed light on the events leading up to the tragedy and assess the safety protocols implemented by T4F.

Swift, visibly affected by the incident, emphasized in a statement, "The safety and well-being of my fans, fellow performers, and crew has to and always will come first."

As the investigation unfolds, there is a growing call for increased safety measures at large events in Brazil. The tragic incident at Taylor Swift's Rio shows has prompted Brazilian fans to launch a petition urging officials to ensure free water access at all future events in the country.