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Who owns Shein? TikToker claims e-tailer modified model's skin tone for 'diversity'

'I chose to share it to TikTok to show how brands treat Black women', the TikToker said
UPDATED MAR 29, 2022
A TikToker claims Shein includes fake diversity by Photoshopping (Photo by TikTok/heartzcare)
A TikToker claims Shein includes fake diversity by Photoshopping (Photo by TikTok/heartzcare)

Shein, a fast-fashion e-tailer, allegedly photoshopped a model's skin tone to make them appear darker than they are for "diversity," according to a TikToker. @heartzcare, a TikTok user, tweeted a screenshot from the brand's web catalog of an allegedly modified model.

"Me when Shein colors in people's skin for diversity," reads the video's overlay text. Following this, the TikToker lip-syncs to the popular song "what the fuck was you thinking" before revealing the model in a sheer bikini. The film focuses on what appears to be the model's poorly edited hand, which still has white skin visible. The camera then focuses on the transparent waist wrap, which appears to reveal a patch of skin that hasn't been fully edited.


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The TikToker told the Daily Dot that she came across the photo when searching Shein's website for a beach suit. She said she first noticed the "trash" quality of the photographs after clicking on a photo of a "dark skin woman" in a pink swimming suit.

The TikToker then switched to a different color option and noted that this woman had the same stance, nails, and figure as the previous one. This time, though, she was white. In another video, she then demonstrated the discrepancy, which appears to establish that at least one of the photos was altered. She told the Daily Dot via TikTok direct message, "I chose to share it to TikTok to show how brands treat Black women. They don’t wanna hire us or put any money in the Black community."

"As an influencer [I try] to educate my followers on how trash big companies are and how disgusting they would treat animals, the Earth, and minorities just for some fast cash," she added. "It does affect how I view this company because a few days later I went to go check on the picture and it was completely gone."

Since March 16, the TikTok video has received 4.3 million views and nearly 10,000 comments. Users who say the manipulation is clear and criticize Shein for supposed "Photoshopping" that make up the bulk of the top comments. "You can literally tell that it's a white person too," reads one of the most popular comments, which has 39,000 likes. Another user commented, "Their editing has been a bit sketchy recently." Many viewers wondered if the international online business could afford to recruit Black models.

Who owns Shein?

Shein, a Chinese online fast-fashion retailer, was founded in 2008 by Chris Xu in Nanjing, China. Shein was valued at about $50 billion in early 2021, according to Reuters. It produces clothing in China to sell online in the US, Europe, and Asia but doesn’t sell in China.

The store declares on its social responsibility page on its UK website that it "strictly abides by child labor laws in each of the countries they operate in." They also promise that no forced labor will be used, noting its "strong belief in ethical working conditions."

However, in November 2021, the Public Eye published a detailed report accusing the China-based firm of breaking Chinese labor rules. Employees were also said to work 75 hours a week, according to the study. Shein said it would initiate an investigation after reviewing the report, according to Business of Fashion. Although it's unclear whether the corporation has provided transparency in its manufacturing since then, many remain skeptical.

Shein is a "gross company," according to the TikToker, that reportedly exploits child labor and "adds on to the many issues we already have in this world."

"I hope sheins company gets destroyed," the TikToker expressed his wish. "I also hope the people who are in charge of it go in debt after gaining the money off those kids."