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TikTok star Dixie D'Amelio receives death threats over Trump campaign signs in resurfaced post

The 18-year-old social media sensation said it wasn't even her room and she has never supported Trump
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

An influencer has revealed that she is receiving death threats after an old post of a room, with Trump-Pence campaign signs on the wall, went viral on social media.

Dixie D'Amelio, who has more than 23 million followers on TikTok, was slammed on Twitter this past week after a user dug up the image that she had shared on her VSCO account in 2017. The image, which was just captioned 'UMMMMMMM,' showed someone playing a keyboard in front of a wall that was decorated with a big American flag and three Trump-Pence signs.

D'Amelio, 18, responded to that post and claimed the picture was not even taken in her room. "Bruh this isn’t even my house lmao," she wrote.

However, most users were not satisfied with the explanation and pointed out that she never denied being a Republican or a Trump supporter in her response.

"Girl you posted it for a reason," one user posted, while pointed out how her dad was openly a Republican. "Girl u dad a republican why lie," they wrote.

The Daily Mail reported that the teenager's father, Marc D'Amelio, had indeed run as a Republican for the Connecticut State Senate in 2018. 

In his campaign mission statement, he vowed to "look past political party" and stand up to "Democrats, Republicans, and the President" if they did not agree with their policies. However, he eventually lost to the incumbent, Democrat Bob Duff.

Another Twitter user then shared the photograph of the room, writing, "Not Dixie D'Amelio having a picture of an American flag and the Trump/Pence flag on her VSCO."

D'Amelio, who along with younger sister Charli don't often address politics, hit back, and again insisted that the snap had not been taken in her room.

"Again, this isn't my house," she wrote. "At 15 years old I didn't give two s***s about politics. My parents have let my sister and I make her own decisions about what we support and what we don't. What I support is the spread positivity/happiness and that's all [sic]."

From Twitter, the image made its way to the TikTok Shaderoom on Instagram, where users continued to question her political allegiances and whether or not she was a Trump supporter.

"Her reply seem iffy too me. She couldn’t clearly stated she doesn’t support trump," one commented.

"What if they secretly are trump supporters but dont want to make it public bc of all the hate they'll get?" another suggested.

As the image continued to make the rounds, D'Amelio revealed she had received death threats and released a statement where she attempted to clear any doubts about her political affiliation once and for all. She said she was not a supporter of the president.

"I am an independent voter and I will always vote for the person and never the party," she wrote. "I find it sad that I have received death threats due to inaccurate speculation of my political belief. I have never supported Trump. Period."