Thom Yorke unveils new song 'Hands Off the Antarctic' in collaboration with Greenpeace: Listen

Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has always been a vocal supporter of many noble causes. He's known for his activism on behalf of human rights, fair trade, anti-war causes and especially the environment.
In 2000, during the recording of 'Kid A', Yorke became self-admittedly "obsessed" with the Worldwatch Institute website, which he said was "full of scary statistics about icecaps melting, and weather patterns changing." In past interviews, he has spoken about how he got involved in the movement to halt climate change after becoming a father and "waking up every night just terrified".
Among Yorke's many contributions to the cause is a 2008 study commissioned by Radiohead to reduce the carbon expended on tour. Based on the study, they chose to play at venues supported by public transport, made deals with trucking companies to reduce emissions, used new low-energy LED lighting and encouraged festivals to offer reusable plastics.