'This Is Us' Season 4 Episode 12: Not Sophie, Kevin slept with Madison and now fans want Zoe to be his endgame

'This Is Us' makers have been taking fans around in circles with Kevin Pearson's (Justin Hartley) future fiancée. His ex-wife Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge), Kate's friend Madison (Caitlin Thompson) or Beth's cousin Zoe (Melanie Liburd) — who could it be? In Episode 12, he went to meet his grieving ex-wife Sophie and while the two shared a heartwarming chat and even watched the movie 'Good Will Hunting' together, the woman beside him in bed turned out to be Madison.
After the big twist, showrunner Dan Fogelman's tweet from 2018, "Just FYI: Madison is my wife in real life @CaitwithaC and if you thought I was letting her sleep with @justinhartley on national television you're nuts. #ThisIsUs," resurfaced again and started trending. Fans are confused and are divided about the new relationship angle.

While some want his first love Sophie to be in his life, others prefer Madison over Sophie's vanilla character. However, there are a whole new bunch of 'This Is Us' fans who are now rooting for Kevin's end game to be Zoe. Remember how he clicked with Beth's cousin and shared a lovely relationship with her? Will she pop up in Kevin's life again?
Wondering what will happen next, fans can't stop talking about Kevin's prospects. "Can they just put a period on this Kevin and Sophie thing," one tweet read and another said, "Kevin really did had ‘a hell of a week’ I thinking the director of 'This Is Us' must have been going for something real and unpredictable!!"
Kevin and Sophie

Kevin and Sophie fell in love when they were kids. The two seemed destined for the long run but things went awry after marriage and the two called it off. But as they say: first love is unforgettable!
"Loved them from the beginning and love them even more now after this episode! Sophie is Kevin’s Rebecca," one fan posted and another viewer said, "Kevin to Sophie... 'I was head over heels in love with you the moment I saw you. I never should have let you get away.'"
"Kevin is soooo in love with Sophie. I can't believe this is the end of them. I hope they will get back together. Madison is a nobody in the show... They have no chemistry ever. It's just a big NO!" one tweet read and another said, "The best relationships have survived a few rough spots. I am rooting for Kevin and Sophie. They clearly love each other."
Kevin and Madison

Madison is quite similar to Kevin, in fact, she understands Hollywood and his addictive behavior. Both do have similar issues and experiences but will they end up together in the future?
"I am team Madison!!! I’m so over the Kevin and Sophie thing. Let it die. #ThisIsUs," one viewer posted. Another wrote: "I like Madison. At least she has some personality and she would put Kevin in his place a bit which he sometimes needs. And she is loyal like he is."
"Am I the only person that's actually overjoyed that Kevin ended up with Madison instead of Sophie," one tweet read and another said, "I kinda saw that in the earlier episode where they kinda locked eyes or something. I couldn't remember now though."
One viewer wrote: "I actually liked that the girl in his bed is Madison. Kevin and Sophie had a great, cute and beautiful story together but is over, they are so much better now as friends. Both of them deserve better and stables relationships."
Kevin and Zoe

Who can forget Beth's cool cousin who started an affair with Kevin and the duo traveled to Vietnam together? It seems like fans want the two back together!
"Kevin & Zoe are really great together. The history and emotional baggage with Sophie is just too much man. It's not everyday dwell on the past, sometimes embrace new beginnings," one fan posted and another said, "So they broke up Kevin and Zoe (shoot even Kevin and Sophie ) for Madison?" One felt even Sophie was not meant for Kevin. "Ugh, enough with Kevin and Sophie already! Bring back Zoe, we want Zoe!"
"I know Kevin and Sophie are really set up here as the long-lasting love but I can't help to hold out for Zoe. That was my favorite of Kevin's relationships," one tweet read and another said, "I'll never forgive @ThisIsUsWriters for what they did to Kevin and Zoe, Randall and Beth and Jack last season. Y'all are so ugly and the fact that you have writers who wrote for The Vampire Diaries on staff is blatantly obvious now."
With all the chatter on Twitter, fans are clearly too invested in the storyline and want to see a good ending for Kevin. So will 'This Is Us' makers satisfy them? Only time will tell.