The Wonder Woman effect: Bruce Wayne, Cyborg and more reimagined as heroes from the eighties in new posters

It's no secret that DC will be taking its loyal fan-base back to the eighties with its sequel to the 2017 hit, 'Wonder Woman'. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the film follows Diana Prince as she faces newer challenges and confronts her age-old nemesis, Cheetah, played by actress Kristen Wiig.
Given the post-World War II setting of 'Wonder Woman: 1984' and the natural political shift in the balance of power, there was an 80's appeal in the first-look glimpses of the film shared last month by Gal Gadot as well as Wiig and even the director of Wonder Woman. In fact, one of the pictures teasing Steve Trevor's return was loaded with eighties nostalgia in terms of his jumpsuit and the overall style of the character, brought to life in the franchise by Chris Pine.
Keeping in tune with this trend now, popular social media artist BossLogic has come up with his own fan-posters, re-imagining what the rest of the DC superheroes would look like had the characters been transported some three decades back in time. And for this experiment, the digital artist cherry-picked the core members of the Justice League crew, giving an 80s treatment to Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne, Cyborg, and Superman.
"Here is @BenAffleck in #WW84 @GalGadot @PattyJenks @WonderWomanFilm," he captioned the photo, sending fans into an instant trip down the memory lane. In the image, a young Affleck stands out - with an extremely Good Will Hunting-times vibe about him - as the Wonder Woman 2 logo "WW84" covers the background.
For the Cyborg version, however, the Twitter artist portrays a full glammed-up Ray Fisher, decked in a tank top and gold chains.
Interestingly, in his fan-poster for an 80s-style Superman, BossLogic depicted Henry Cavill's superhero with long, curly tresses grazing his shoulder and a smile that is more reminiscent of Clark Kent than the Man of Steel.
When Gadot-played Wonder Woman returns for its second outing on the big screen, fans can expect a dozen comic book references, as seen in the past, along with some action-packed sequences as well. After all, the Amazon princess is locking horns with her oldest foe this time around.