'The Walking Dead: World Beyond' Episode 3 Preview: Is Hope Bennett about to make the ultimate sacrifice?
Barely a week into their travels, the kids are already stuck in a difficult situation, and Hope Bennett (Alexa Mansour) is risking everything to get them out of it. As the group faces the 'Blaze of Gory', a massive tire fire that's been burning for years and attracted walkers from all over, it's Elton Ortiz (Nicolas Cantu) who realizes that if someone could get to the tornado alarm tower near the fire to lure in the walkers, the group would be able to move right past them and continue their journey on towards the city. Still plagued by guilt and a sense of responsibility for her team, Hope takes it upon herself to make the sacrifice play, and there's no telling whether or not she's going to come back alive.
Ever since wandering past the safety of the Campus Colony, the kids have discovered time and time again that they are in way over their heads. They've not yet managed to kill a single walker, with their ostensible leader Iris Bennett (Aliyah Royale) struggling to kill even one, despite all their years of training. Hope's unilateral decision to head for the tornado alarm tower shows just how little unity the group has, and the synopsis for the next episode implies that this lack of unity might split the group even further and Hope's need for action might be just the thing to spur her towards taking her sister's place as leader.
However, she's first going to have to survive her lone, reckless trip to the tower. It's one thing walking through a horde of zombies and entirely another to make her way safely through them once the alarm she sets off alerts every zombie in the area to her precise location. She's putting herself through more danger than anyone in her group has been in since the day the sky fell, and as we've seen, danger is not something that these kids are equipped to handle.
The synopsis for the episode, entitled 'The Tyger and the Lamb', reads: "Burdened by their pasts, members of the group adopt opposing strategies for dealing with a massive obstacle; pressure is put on the group to return home." You can watch a promo for the episode below.
This episode of 'The Walking Dead' airs on October 18 on AMC, at 10 pm ET.