'The Walking Dead' Season 10 Episode 14: Is the vengeful Beta the new and more terrifying Alpha?

'The Walking Dead' clearly does not hold back on the punches. In the latest episode, Beta finds himself in a strange situation. Alpha's (Samantha Morton) gone and her head is sitting on a stick, courtesy Negan. He has always had his issues with Negan, but this isn't the time to say 'I told you so'.
So now Alpha's gone, what happens to her faithful right-hand man? Well, that question didn't end well for someone who asked. One of the new Whisperers calls him the new Alpha, and he immediately turns cold and vicious. He tells them to go and take off their mask and hear what Alpha is saying. Ouch. And, that leads to the naive Whisperer being bitten. Smooth move, Beta.
He seems to be strangely on the edge and more bizarre than usual as he holds Alpha's head in his arms. But that's not it. We get to learn a little more about Beta and his rock-star-ish past. 'The Walking Dead' decided to give an insight into Beta's past. We see him walking to his apartment, with guitars and pictures of records and concerts around. Apparently, Beta was once a Country Singer known as Half-Moon. We've been getting hints about him from the latest teasers in 'Fear The Walking Dead', so this isn't really a surprise. So, before he turned into a psychotic zombie-killer, he was a celebrity. He plays a record and waits for the Walkers to come to his door. And then, he breaks his guitar in the process. He isn't killing himself - Beta is raising an army, a truly dark and terrifying one
And then, picks up Alpha's head and says 'Thank you', while sliding his knife into her temple. Beta is going around the bend, more so than usual. And this time, he has an entire deadly army at his disposal. His mask also gets a new look. He walks forward and there is an army of darkness behind him. This ending suggests that Negan is going to pay very dearly for what he did, as Beta is one hell of a scary person. We're going to face the full extent of his wrath and vengeance in the next few episodes.
Beta, is the new Alpha. And, a lot worse than Alpha.
'The Walking Dead' airs on AMC Sundays at 9pm.