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'The Wages of Fear' Ending Explained: Fred makes ultimate sacrifice despite betrayals

Fred and Alex put their lives at risk to save a village from deadly explosion in 'The Wages of Fear'
'The Wages of Fear' offers thrilling conclusion to the life-threatening mission (@Netflix)
'The Wages of Fear' offers thrilling conclusion to the life-threatening mission (@Netflix)

Contains heavy spoilers for 'The Wages of Fear'

PARIS, FRANCE: Netflix dropped the remake of the 1950s French classic 'The Wages of Fear' on Friday, March 29, 2024.

The film, sharing the same name as the original, stars Franck Gastambide, best known internationally for his role in 'Taxi 5', alongside Alban Lenoir, Ana Girardot, and Sofiane Zermani.

The film revolves around two brothers - Fred and Alex, who share a complex relationship. They are hired by an American oil company to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with danger to prevent a deadly explosion at an oil well.

Fred and Alex encounter imminent dangers while carrying out the mission, but the film's climax becomes even more intense, revealing unprecedented hazards and betrayals.

Who shoots Fred in 'The Wages of Fear'?

A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)
A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)

As the convoy approaches the oil well site, it divides into two groups to improve the mission's likelihood of success. Fred and Gauthier team up and take the lead, with Alex and Clara following closely behind.

However, just outside the village, Gauthier does the unexpected as he points his gun at Fred. Motivated by greed, he desires the entire payment for himself and shoots Fred before he could respond.

Injured, Fred tumbles off the truck as Gauthier speeds away. Fortunately, Clara and Alex later find Fred and take him along.

Another betrayal awaits Fred in 'The Wages of Fear' climax

A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)
A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)

Alex's responsibility doubles when Gauthier's truck explodes. Now, he must not only prevent the village from exploding but also save his brother Fred, who is losing blood from a gunshot wound.

Unfortunately, the brothers face yet another betrayal as they reach the site and fulfill their part of the deal.

They encounter Anne Marchand, the oil company representative, who holds Alex's wife and daughter at gunpoint after being abandoned by her team at the last moment.

Due to the team's failure to send the drilling team on time, Anne is forced to seek "local help," and the brothers are her only option.

She demands Alex to drive the truck into the well to save the village and his family.

Is Fred alive in the Netflix film 'The Wages of Fear'?

A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)
A still from 'The Wages of Fear' (@Netflix)

As Alex faces a difficult decision, Fred assumes control of the situation by shooting Anne and driving himself into the oil well.

The truck carrying nitroglycerine crashes into the well, triggering an explosion that eventually puts out the fire.

Tragically, Fred loses his life during this heroic act. His ultimate sacrifice not only saves Alex and his family but also spares thousands of villagers from harm.

'The Wages of Fear' is now streaming on Netflix