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'The Union' Ending Explained: Roxanne makes a very difficult choice

A betrayal turns 'The Union' into a high-stakes game of deception and danger
UPDATED AUG 16, 2024
'The Union' ends with a dramatic twist as Roxanne must choose between love and duty (@netflix)
'The Union' ends with a dramatic twist as Roxanne must choose between love and duty (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'The Union'

NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES: In 'The Union', the climactic conclusion delivers a satisfying blend of action and revelation, underscoring the film's dynamic pairing of Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry. As the story nears its end, the intricate plot threads come together with high-stakes intensity and dramatic twists.

The final showdown not only resolves the central conflict but also provides a deeper understanding of the character's motivations and the covert operations of the Union. Wahlberg’s Mike McKenna and Berry’s Roxanne face their ultimate challenges, pushing their skills and partnership to the limit. 

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A still from 'The Union' (@netflix)
A still from 'The Union' (@netflix)

The film's climax reveals a series of shocking twists involving betrayal, high-stakes negotiations, and a dramatic resolution. Initially, Mike McKenna (Mark Wahlberg) and Roxanne (Halle Berry) discover that the real mastermind behind the auction is Juliet Quinn, a notorious freelance spy.

She steals a crucial database from the Union, which contains sensitive information about every agent and their families. This data could be disastrous if it falls into the wrong hands. As they confront Quinn, the tension rises when Nick Faraday (Mike Colter), Roxanne’s supposedly dead husband, makes a dramatic entrance.

Faraday reveals that he had been in hiding with Quinn’s help, having faked his death during the Trieste attack. He explains that Tom Brennan, the Union’s leader, had supposedly turned rogue and was attacking the Union agents.

Faraday's revelation leads Roxanne to pause their mission, choosing to hand over the database to the CIA, believing Faraday’s story. However, this decision proves to be a trap. Faraday had tipped off the CIA to capture Roxanne and Mike, planning to steal the database himself. 

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A still from 'The Union' (@netflix)
A still from 'The Union' (@netflix)

Faraday becomes disillusioned with the Union, feeling undervalued and tempted by the lucrative rewards offered by terrorists. Faraday and Quinn plan to sell the stolen database for a massive profit and disappear. The betrayal hits Roxanne hard, and with Mike’s support, she tracks Faraday using a hidden tracker she had placed on him. They locate him in the Istrian peninsula, where he’s about to escape with the database.

In a tense confrontation, Faraday tries to flee on a boat. Roxanne is forced to make a heart-wrenching decision: to shoot and kill her husband to prevent the database from reaching the wrong hands. With Faraday dead, Roxanne and Mike secure the database and ensure it is safely turned over to the CIA. The immediate crisis is averted, and the film ends on a hopeful note. Mike and Roxanne, now romantically involved, attend a wedding back in New Jersey.

Tom Brennan shows up, inviting them to a new mission in Marrakesh, indicating that their adventure is far from over. The film wraps up with the pair poised to continue their partnership, both professionally and personally.

'The Union' is available for streaming on Netflix