EXCLUSIVE | 'The Titan Games' Season 2: William Sutton says show will put his tiny town of Trenton on the map

Dwayne Johnsons 'The Titan Games' Season 2 is a day away, and fans as well as the participants are waiting with bated breath. MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) spoke to William Sutton, a participant on the show. Sutton is a high-school agriculture teacher and a basketball coach. When asked how he is feeling about the second season, Sutton says he's feeling "really good" but nervous at the same time. "Feeling really kind of nervous. I went out there and did the best I could. I'm really excited to see everybody compete and see all the friends I made at the Titan game compete."
He says it was one of the "best" athletic experiences in his life and adds that it tested and pushed him to the limit. "Probably one of the best athletic experiences I've ever had in my life, just to meet so many awesome people. Go out there and test myself, test my limits to the max and you know, and in the meantime, getting to meet the greatest actor in the world right now, Dwayne Rock Johnson. It was a pretty awesome experience. I've been on national TV and you know, sometimes, I'm a little crazy in my classroom when I'm teaching, so I can imagine that if I probably did something crazy on TV. It is just going to be exposed out there, but it'll be all right."
Is he worried about how his fans and students are going to react? "I think the fans are going to like the second season. I think it's a little bit more involved. I'm impartial, you know, because I liked the first season, but I mean, I'm a little more biased. I like the second season more because I'm in it. I think it's going to be the best season the Titan games has ever had."
Speaking about what motivated him to take on the opportunity, he says, "I was in my classroom and I saw a preview for last year's Titan Games. I've always kind of wanted to be on that and test my limits. On national television. I said I'm gonna apply for this. I really just wanted to put my town on the map. You know, we kind of get overlooked cause I come from such a small town in North Carolina, and I was like we got this. I'm going to go out there and I'm gonna show them. It just happened at a great time because our town's going through a pretty rough time trying to recuperate from hurricane Florence. We got pretty bad flooded during hurricane Florence, but really no one was making Trenton a big deal because it was such a small town." Sutton is sure he can make people aware of his town with this show.
Asked about his learning experience from the show, he says, "I think the thing I take away the most is learning from other people and how other people have strengths and weaknesses. Just like I have strengths and weaknesses and just learning from them how to capitalize, how to better your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. Also, never settle. The sky's the limit. You know, you put yourself out there and anything's possible. But anything is possible when you put time in it, put effort in it, and have a dream and go after that dream. I think that's the biggest thing I've taken from that is just, you know, keep on going after your dreams."
Sutton says that his best memories during his time on the show are with the friends he made. "I think the best memory is the friends and the relationships that I made. You know, life's all about relationships made. You know, just connect with those individuals and hearing their story and their backgrounds. And they just motivated me to be a better athlete, to be a better fitness person." Asked if he would ever like to continue with showbiz, he says, "You never know. I'm open to options. You know, if they want to come and they want to get old country boy like myself and they want to put me on a reality TV show. I'm open to anything now."
'The Titan Games' Season 2 premieres on May 25, NBC at 8pm.