HBO 'The Time Traveler's Wife' Episode 6 Review: Finale gets heartfelt, but abrupt ending

It's a lot of time travel in the finale of HBO's 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. Episode 6 of the limited series (and there is no renewal news yet) ends abruptly but on a rather bittersweet note. Those familiar with Audrey Niffenegger's novel of the same name know how Henry DeTamble (Theo James) and Clare Abshire's (Rose Leslie) story ends. However, the end was built pretty much at the beginning of the show and that makes for a rather rushed, but understandable ending.
The finale focuses on the wedding, and 28-year-old Henry manages to time jump more often than usual due to the stress. He travels constantly to the future and sees a relatively upset Clare in almost every stage. One of the instances sees an older Clare reaching out for tissues watching their wedding video, and another sees her crying over the pregnancy tests she takes. The episode also involves a fair bit of bonding between Henry and his father, Richard. The final minutes of the movie ends on a note that's a far cry from Niffenegger's book with a question mark over a potential sequel.
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The wedding becomes the primary focus in the finale that ultimately ends with Clare marrying the 36-year-old Henry, so it's pretty much the version of him that she always loved. There is also ample spotlight on the 28-year-old Henry who tries his best to be the man Clare wanted, but the stress-induced time travel makes him see periods in the future that not just hints at his death, but also some of his actions that hurt his wife. In the end, it's the older Henry who finally gets hitched, while an older Clare and younger Henry have a chat in the future — one where he's not had a vasectomy yet (That's good news for the fans who wanted to know whether they'd have a baby).
'The Time Traveler's Wife' ends on a fascinating and rather emotional note. And it shouldn't come as a surprise if the show isn't renewed for a Season 2. As rather foggy and blurry as the ending was, the story tells a complex, yet heartfelt love story that has managed to get the audience back every Sunday for the last five weeks. Would a two-hour season finale have worked better? Sure, but that would mean getting into the more tragic times of Henry and Clare's relationship. There's still hope for a Season 2 considering the author did just finish a sequel. So, will we have 'The Time Traveler's child' in the offing? There's no telling, but we're not holding our breath.
'The Time Traveler's Wife' is available for streaming on HBO Max.