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The story behind ‘MAFS’ Season 18: Scripted scenes and edited storylines exposed

'MAFS' recently has been embroiled in several accusations surrounding its storylines being fake
'MAFS' accused of fake storylines (@lifetime)
'MAFS' accused of fake storylines (@lifetime)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Viewers of 'Married At First Sight' Season 18 must be wondering exactly how much of what they're viewing on screen is completely real. The series describes itself as a true "social experiment," but former stars have spilled the beans about how storylines are edited to such an extent that it's practically scripted. The popular Lifetime series follows couples who have agreed to marry a complete stranger, but if former cast members are to be believed, much of what unfolds on the series is carefully scripted by the producers.

Several ex-contestants have spoken up and said that the show's production crew often edits scenes in a manner that takes all context out of the conversations and events. For instance, a minor fight between the couple could have been edited into looking like a huge fight, thus building tension in the storyline. Further, some scenes are shot from multiple angles to get the most dramatic reaction possible from the producers.

Former contestants also said the taping schedule is anarchic. They are often asked to redo certain conversations or actions in an effort for the camera crews to get several takes of a scene, leading to frustration and blown tempers. This may impact how the participants behave on camera, as they feel that they need to react in highly dramatic fashions for the sake of the story keeping interesting.

Some of the stars have also come out to say that production controls their drinking, especially over dinner gatherings and group events. While the producers encourage the participants to drink enough to loosen up, they monitor and limit the amount to prevent things from getting out of hand. This is allegedly done to heighten emotions and to make the participants more willing to open up or fight back against each other with ease for more explosive screen time.

While fans continue to watch 'MAFS' for its high-stakes drama and emotional payoffs, viewers should remember the final product is heavily filtered through editing and production decisions. As such, even though it may not be scripted word-for-word, the show is anything but a raw, unfiltered look at love and marriage.

Are there paid actors on ‘Married At First Sight'?

With the numerous amount of cast members, one does indeed question how natural everyone on the show is. Some people do question if the producers hire actors to play the parts of certain people, mainly family and friends since many of these people often have much to say about the couples and their findings in the relationships.

Are there actors on that show?

Only the central cast members who marry strangers are regular people. One can, however, still find suggestions on potential actors affiliated with this reality show. It will more or less point out relatives and friends offering their opinions and reactions to the choices their family or friends have made. The producers may hire some actors to add to the storyline and make the content more interesting; for instance, when actual family or friends cannot be found or are unwilling to participate in the show.

Oftentimes, it may be hard to schedule with real family and friends due to prior commitments. In this regard, professional actors may play the role of family members or friends if that is how the script is written; this will prevent delays in filming the story.

'MAFS' star Lauren Good slams Cameron Frazer (@lifetime)
'MAFS' cast accused of paid actor (@lifetime)

'MAFS’ alums complain of ‘gruelling’ shooting hours

'Married At First Sight' has gained a reputation for its intense emotional experiences and unexpected storylines. However, former participants have recently reported that the filming process can also be physically and mentally exhausting due to lengthy hours and strict schedules. Typically, participants describe their filming days as very long, often beginning early in the morning and continuing late into the night. Activities such as wedding ceremonies, dinner parties, and interviews can lead those days to exceed 12 hours. As a result, there is often little to no opportunity for rest or for participants to process their emotions after a demanding day.

Whereas other reality shows may focus filming on an activity or event, MAFS captures a wide range of activities. Couples are filmed having intimate moments with each other, candid conversations, and even simple tasks. Nonstop filming can easily equate to exhaustion and puts added pressure on participants as they work through their new relationships.

Participants are often occupied and seldom find time to step away from the cameras and enjoy some privacy. The continuous shooting schedule does not provide sufficient opportunities for self-care, which is essential during these emotionally draining experiences. Many former participants have shared how important it is for them to have personal space and time away, but this is often lacking due to the filming schedule.

MAFS shooting time is called gruelling (@lifetime)