'The Society' season 2: Allie's fledgling political career is under threat and so is Lexie's future as a leader

One of the most fascinating things to watch on 'The Society' is just how things fell apart for Allie towards the end of the first season.
After a rocky start following Cassandra Pressman's (played by Rachel Keller) death which leads to chaos in New Ham, Allie Pressman (played by Kathryn Newton) manages to establish peace and harmony in the community. Unlike the case with Cassandra where almost every time that she suggested bringing about a reform in their new society, she had to face backlash, Allie managed to win over the crowd faster and quicker than her sister.
While she was nervous in the beginning to step into her sister's shoes, she eventually stopped resisting it and took it up. As Allie took over the reins to keep their new home safe, her plan is to not just sustain the new civilization but to ensure that is flourishes. She instills a committee to figure out how they can go home, she sends a group into the forest to find agricultural land and food. She makes rules, rations food and supplies to ensure that everyone is fed. Under Allie, the new society also gets gun regulations after she confiscates as many guns as she can. Sisters Cassandra and Allie defend a communist society where everybody works and everybody shares everything. They believe that their society can only stay alive if everyone works together towards peace and harmony. Towards the end of the first season, Allie even calls for an election saying democracy is the next step for them.
But things aren't easy – in the last two hours of 'The Society', the Guards are beginning to get agitated since most of the power is concentrated with Allie and that since they are doing all the footwork and doing all the "dirty work", they must be allowed to run for the elections. Allie even tries to clarify to them that as the military, they cannot exactly rule over their subjects. And while this pisses them off, they change teams and join forces with Campbell Eliot (played by Toby Wallace).
Manipulative and New Ham's resident psychopath, Campbell is set to play the puppet master in the second season considering how he has managed to get those with any kind of hold over the residents on his side – because obviously no one is going to listen to him directly given that people are aware of who he is. By the end of the first season, he sure has Harry and the Guards on his side, but he has got one particularly surprising aide in Lexie (played by Grace Victoria Cox).
At the beginning of the show, after Cassandra is shot, Allie's first prerogative is to confiscate the guns from the teenagers, Lexie is portrayed as just a paranoid person who refuses to leave the house because she is scared of being shot.
This paranoia is converted to sheer power when she is held in the basement and gets her periods; around the same time that Allie is set to announce elections.
The first thing, to come to mind, however, is why would Lexie join the very same crowd that messed with her in the first place? But even so, Lexie quickly becomes popular – she is riding the wave of positive public opinion around her. It is pretty similar to how positive public opinion around Allie also facilitates her rise to power. However, it looks like Lexie is going to meet the same fate. Despite the fact that she now is closer to Campbell and company, there is no saying when he will disown her and turn the others against her – that is what he does best.
All said and done, it might seem like Lexie is safe being on the winning side, but really, the second season is more threatening to her life than the first.