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The Pentagon’s crack: Is Quinn’s Martin’s power play in ‘Big Brother’ Season 26 pushing the alliance to its breaking point?

Angela Murray became the HOH again, as her decision urged Martin to use his power
UPDATED AUG 12, 2024
'Big Brother' Season 26 star Quinn Martin (@cbs)
'Big Brother' Season 26 star Quinn Martin (@cbs)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: On the latest episode of 'Big Brother' Season 26, a single houseguest shook the very foundations of the game: Quinn Martin. Martin took advantage of his long-held "Deepfake" power to overthrow Head of Household Angela's nominations blindside on the house. More shockingly, Martin decided to put Tucker Des Lauriers, Makensy Manbeck, and Cedric Hodges on the block, which has left many in and out of the house with their jaws wide open, trying to make sense of this game-altering move.

The real drama, however, may be happening behind the scenes. Only the true fans of the show know how the growing tensions inside the very powerful alliance known as The Pentagon—which Martin is a key member of—might make his unilateral decision for stealing control of nominations look like questioning his loyalty to his allies. The Pentagon's been the dominant force this season. But Quinn's power play could be the crack that brings the whole alliance tumbling down.

As the dust settles from this bombshell episode, fans are left wondering: Is this the beginning of the end for The Pentagon? Has Quinn Martin sealed his fate for victory, or has he just painted a massive target on his back? Will they stick together, or will Quinn's power play be the beginning of the end for this supposedly unbreakable alliance? One thing's for sure—with moves like this, Big Brother 26 is going to be one of its most unpredictable seasons yet.

Quinn Martin hides about having secret power

In 'Big Brother' Season 26, Quinn Martin had a secret power called the Deepfake HOH upgrade, which allowed him to take control of the Head of Household (HOH) nominations. However, Quinn chose not to tell anyone about this power because he didn't want to become a target. He knew that if the other houseguests found out, they might try to evict him to get rid of such a strong advantage.

By keeping this secret, Quinn was able to navigate the game without drawing too much attention to himself. When Tucker Lauriers started to suspect that Quinn had some kind of power, Quinn downplayed it and didn't give away any details. This strategy helped Quinn stay in the game and use his power when it was most beneficial for him, even though it led to tension and distrust among the houseguests.

'Big Brother' Season 26 star Quinn Martin lied about his power (@cbs)
'Big Brother' Season 26 star Quinn Martin lied about his power (@cbs)

What was Quinn Martin's secret power?

Quinn Martin's secret power in 'Big Brother' Season 26 was called the "Deepfake HOH" upgrade. This power allowed Quinn to secretly take over the Head of Household (HOH) duties for one week, meaning he could choose the nominees for eviction instead of the actual HOH. This power was extremely powerful because it let Quinn control a crucial part of the game without anyone knowing he was the one making the decisions.

By using the Deepfake HOH, Quinn could manipulate the game to his advantage, putting up houseguests he wanted out while keeping his involvement hidden. The other players would think the nominations were made by the real HOH, not realizing Quinn was the one pulling the strings. This gave Quinn a significant advantage, as it allowed him to influence the game without becoming an obvious target.

Quinn Martin gets called out for erupting racial fight (@cbs)
Quinn Martin had special power (@cbs)

‘Big Brother' Season 26 is available to stream on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS at 9 pm ET