'The Masked Singer' Season 3: The Taco is 'DWTS' legend Tom Bergeron and fans claim they called it right

It's time for Group B's Championship round, where only three amongst the remaining four contestants will advance to the Super 9 on 'The Masked Singer' Season 3. While you're eager to see which three masked celebrities advance, this week's epic unmasking will leave you shocked to your bones.
'The Masked Singer' Season 3 returned on Wednesday night kicking off the Group B Championship round titled 'Friends in High Places' with host Nick Cannon. Panelists Ken Jeong, Robin Thicke, Nicole Scherzinger and Jenny McCarthy are also back on their seats. This week joining them as a guest judge was none other than Season 1 winner T-Pain, who was the Monster.
Last week, we witnessed a legendary unmasking, after the Mouse received the lowest number of votes, and was revealed to be none other than six-time Grammy Award-winning singer, actress, and television host Dionne Warwick. This reveal had fans claiming they knew it was Dionne right from the start.
#TacoMask's time on #TheMaskedSinger has wrapped up! Let's hear your final guesses. 🧐 pic.twitter.com/NX729DAPYa
— The Masked Singer (@MaskedSingerFOX) March 5, 2020
The four remaining masked celebrities who returned on Wednesday night, hoping to make it to the Super 9 were the Taco, Miss Kitty, Frog and Banana. At the end of the episode, the contestant with the lowest number of votes was unmasked.
This week it was all about friendships, as the clues prior to their performances in the pre-taped packages weren't delivered by the masked celebrities themselves, but their close ones instead. As an additional clue post their performance, the masked celebrities each made a bracelet for the judges with one word that would represent their friendship, or how they bonded.
Sadly after receiving the lowest number of votes, the Taco was unmasked. Prior to his performance, in the pre-taped clue package, the Taco had his best friend reveal the hints to who he might be.
🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 #TacoMask is...#TheMaskedSinger pic.twitter.com/cXNto3TgZS
— The Masked Singer (@MaskedSingerFOX) March 5, 2020
In what was apparently a menu, at the start of the package, the menu had the first two letters in caps, 'MEnu' which hinted that he might have won an Emmy Award. Behind a huge seafood platter, with a glass of what looked like scotch on the rocks in his hand, the Taco's friend shared, "We have something extremely personal in common. We both help people when they get knocked down."
He added that the other thing they have in common is the love for their own children. His friend ended the clue package saying, that the Taco's and his kids would be so happy to see what he does best, entertaining America.
The Taco performs a stunning rendition to 'Can't Help Myself' by the Four Tops. The panelists predict that it must be an entertainer, maybe a comedian under the mask. The Taco gives his friendship bracelet to Nicole. The bracelet spelled, 'KISS', which left the judges thrown off wondering if Nicole and the Taco might have had a moment.
Holy guacamole — is this really happening?! 🥑 #TheMaskedSinger pic.twitter.com/0qtU8dAXWg
— The Masked Singer (@MaskedSingerFOX) March 5, 2020
He clarifies the doubt saying, "Not to be corny, but when I saw you in person you were perfect." The Taco walks out of the stage with a short speech about love and kindness that leaves Jenny wondering if it might be Jerry Springer under the mask because he is known for his sign-off messages.
When it came to the prediction before the Taco could unmask himself, Ken and Robin predicted that it might Martin Short, Nicole predicted it might be Barry Manilow, while T-Pain predicted it might Kelsey Grammer, and Jenny stuck with her earlier guess speculating it might be Jerry Springer.
Unmasked, the Taco left everyone in shock because none expected it to be 'DWTS' legend Tom Bergeron. Though the judges were in awe of Tom being the celebrity under the Taco's mask, fans on Twitter claimed they knew it was him under the mask all along.
"I finally guessed one right! I knew the Taco was Tom Bergeron! #themaskedsinger," a fan wrote. Adding to that another said, "We were right about the taco being Tom Bergeron. #themaskedsinger."
"I just got way too excited that I guessed @Tom_Bergeron as the taco on #TheMaskedSinger what made you choose the taco Tom?" a fan shared.
Adding to that another wrote, "That's right #TheMaskedSinger I had a hunch the Taco was Tom Bergeron and I was correct! I finally guessed one correctly."