Will 'The Mandalorian' give Ahsoka Tano happy ending she's fought so hard for, with the Empire now fallen?

It's fair to say that Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein/Rosario Dawson) has been fighting against the Empire for all of her life - or at least, the most significant parts of it. She became a Jedi Apprentice at an early age, and fought the Empire before it had even risen to power in the Clone Wars. Once the Empire came to power, she joined with the Rebel Alliance in no short order. 'Rebels' - the series she was last seen in - ended years before the Empire actually fell, but with 'The Mandalorian,' we might just get a chance to see something that Ashoka Tano has more than earned: a happy ending.
As we know thanks to 'The Force Awakens' and its sequels, the galaxy isn't rid of the Empire for long. Though 'Return of the Jedi' was a triumphant finish, it wasn't the end of the galaxy's woes by a long shot. However, between 'Return of the Jedi' and 'The Force Awakens', there is a gap of several decades during which many can have eked out a peaceful existence for themselves, retiring in the belief that some measure of balance has been brought to the galaxy.
Ahsoka more than deserves a happy ending - no one has fought harder for it. Even with the Jedi Council itself turned its back on her, Ahsoka kept fighting for what was right, which is how she played such a pivotal role in saving lives when the Clone Wars ended and the Empire first rose. She was a thorn in the Empire's side, and she was robbed of a victory by not getting to be a part of the events of the original trilogy - she had disappeared years before Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) first held a lightsaber.
We don't know what she's doing on the jungle planet of Corvus, but it's possible that she's headed in to retirement. While remnants of the Empire remain, as far as she knows, they have been destroyed for good, and she deserves a chance to rest after all that she's been through. With the character about to make her first live-action appearance on the next episode of 'The Mandalorian', we're about to find our answer.
The next episode of 'The Mandalorian' airs on Friday, November 27, on Disney+.