'The Last Thing He Told Me' Episode 2 Takeaway: Is Hannah gripped by memories or delusions?

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA : Based on the same-titled novel by Laura Dave, the upcoming limited series thriller 'The Last Thing He Told Me' will air on Apple TV+. The main character of the novel is a woman who, in an effort to find out the truth about her husband's abrupt absence, develops an unexpected bond with her stepdaughter.
Josh Singer and Dave co-created and developed the show for Apple TV+, and Olivia Newman oversaw the directing. The show's executive producers are Reese Witherspoon, Lauren Neustadter, Jennifer Garner, Marisa Yeres Gill, Lisa Gillan, Laura Dave, and Josh Singer.
What is 'The Last Thing He Told Me' on Apple Tv+ going to be about? Plot explained
What happened in Austin, Texas?
With Owen missing for more than 24 hours, Hannah tries to figure out what is going on. Episode 2 of 'The Last Thing He Told Me' sees Hannah trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. After the US Marshal shows up at her door, she starts to think about what his real intent is since the FBI has no idea about the Marshal's office getting involved in the case. Hannah calls her ex, Jake, who is a top-notch lawyer, to seek advice and learns that if someone from the Marshal's office has contacted Hannah, it can only mean one thing: Owen is a fugitive. With so much unknown, Hannah believes in her heart that even though Owen running away makes him look bad, there is actually something else going on, and she decides to find out what it is on her own.
Bailey, on the other hand, struggles at school but has slowly become a little more welcoming towards Hannah. In the evening, Hannah's friends Jules and Max show up, and Max helps Hannah realize that the number the US marshal had given her was from Austin, but what does that mean? What happened in Austin? Another friend of Hannah, Carl, reveals that once, while on a trip, Owen became pretty weird talking about how he's never been to Austin. However, Bailey confirms that once, when she was young, Owen had taken her to see a football match in Austin, and even though she doesn't remember much, Hannah thinks there might be a connection. Is she right? Only the coming episodes will tell.
Nostalgia ignites hope
In every situation, humans facing a hard time tend to seek comfort in their past. Nostalgia is something that is able to soothe the mind in strange circumstances. Hannah does this too; she turns to her memories with Owen, which only makes her belief that Owen is not a bad guy even stronger. She reminisces about her conversations with Owen in order to find an escape from her present reality.
The power nostalgia has on us can either be of great help or it might delude us in our present. Past memories often have the ability to change the present's narrative, giving someone false hope. In this case, it can be really harmful because a person's ability to judge the present situation is compromised. However, in other cases, nostalgia can become a powerful tool in a time of need and help a person gain hope and confidence, something that is needed for survival or to fight and find your way back. Are the memories helping Hannah, or are they fueling 'delusions' that Owen was a nice guy? Guess, we'll have to wait for the next episode to find out.