Netflix 'The Highwaymen' tells the true story of the Texas Rangers who took down Bonnie and Clyde

The story of Frank Hamer and Manny Gault is perhaps one of the greatest in American folklore, with their names still ringing loud in modern pop culture for being the men who led the search party that neutralized Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. 'The Highwaymen' is a Netflix original film that follows the untold true story of the legendary detectives who brought down the notorious duo, when the full force of the FBI and the latest forensic technology weren't enough.
According to biographer John Boessenecker, Hamer was the greatest American lawman of the 20th century. Hamer was to Texas “what Wyatt Earp was to Arizona and what Wild Bill Hickok was to Kansas … In an era when crooked police were a dime a dozen, he could not be bought at any price," he wrote.