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'The Girl With No Name' Ending Explained: Mystery flick ends with a jaw-dropping revelation

Lifetime's 'The Girl With No Name' is based on the true events and is helmed by Jeff Hare
UPDATED JUL 26, 2024
Fioana discovers a startling truth in the concluding moments of 'The Girl With No Name' (@lifetime)
Fioana discovers a startling truth in the concluding moments of 'The Girl With No Name' (@lifetime)

Contains spoilers for 'The Girl With No Name' 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Fiona's (Kabby Borders) seemingly ideal life is disrupted in Lifetime's newest film, 'The Girl With No Name', when she returns to her hometown to celebrate her parent's anniversary.

What seemed to be a routine trip to the hometown quickly devolved into mayhem when Fiona decided to investigate an old cold case involving the discovery of a young girl's body as her identification remained unknown.

However, Fiona's investigative talents make her a target for those seeking to conceal the truth which eventually makes her realize that it's Marcus Holt (Adam Harper) who is attempting to hurt her, to prevent her from discovering the truth.

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Brianna Butler in a still from 'The Girl With No Name' (@lifetime)

With her evidence stolen, Fiona tells her closest friend Daisy (Brianna Butler) about the event and asks for her aid in unmasking Marcus's real face. Daisy first voiced her concern but finally agreed to assist Fiona and take her to a location where she thought the evidence file may be.

However, in a dramatic turn of events, a man ambushes Fiona, who faints, and when she awakens, a new revelation rocks her world. Daisy then tells Fiona about her affair with Marcus, as well as their desire to sell the vineyard and start a new life.

Daisy informs her that if the truth about the vineyard's dark history is revealed, the sale will fail, leaving them without anything. Fiona tries to talk sense to Daisy, but she refuses and goes out.

Fortunately, Fiona is rescued by Marucs's wife Emily Holt (Rachel Hale), who was first skeptical of her husband's adultery, but when she sees Daisy calling him honey, she rushes out of the house with Fiona and the two flee. Luckily, Fiona is saved by Vicky Collins (Jean V Alexander), while Marcus captures Emily.

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Kabby Borders in a still from 'The Girl With No Name'(@lifetime)

Fiona refuses to go to the police as she fears Sheriff John Walker (John Castle) is conspiring with Marcus. Vicky suggests speaking with Deputy Sheriff Wanda.

Later, Vicky distracts Walker, while Fiona approaches Wanda, and after finding the stolen evidence at Walker's office, the two confront Walker, who admits to being in cahoots with Marcus.

Walker further reveals that he had asked Sheriff Rafael (Brian Childers) not to pursue the cold case, but the man refused and threw him out of his house in agitation. Later, owing to his anxiousness, he had a heart attack and died.

Later, Wanda and Fiona arrest Marcus and Daisy for their crimes, to which Daisy whines about Fiona running things for her.

In the aftermath, Fiona is seen packing her belongings to leave town, but she remains skeptical about her failure to learn the identity of the anonymous girl.

In a stunning turn of events, Joseph (Will Holland) discloses that the nameless girl is Fiona's sister. Fiona rushes back to her home, only to learn that her father is unaware of the deceased girl and that her mother is absent. They quickly locate her near the unidentified girl's tomb.

Her mother then reveals that she used to work at the vineyard had an affair with Michel Holt, and gave birth to a baby girl, but the girl died soon after, and she is paid by the man to start a new life, which she does owing to her poor financial background. After changing her life, she returns to the town and meets her husband.

Fiona, recognizing her mother's struggle, embraces her. The movie concludes with Fiona narrating the story on her podcast and a montage shows her visiting the grave of the unnamed girl with her mother, who is now named Rose.

'The Girl With No Name' trailer

Unfortunately, the trailer for 'The Girl With No Name' has not been released yet.