'The Flash' Season 7: Showrunner Eric Wallace hints Iris isn't safe even after disappearing, promises tears

Despite being a makeshift finale, 'The Flash' Season 6's final episode 'Success is Assured' packed enough drama and had a cliffhanger moment that had fans asking plenty of questions. One of them was about Iris West's (Candice Patton) mysterious disappearance in the final moments of the show which saw her glow and then scream in pain before vanishing in front of Kamilla Hwang's (Victoria Park) eyes.
And while we may not know about where or what state Iris is in, things don't look too good for the character. In an interview with TVLine, showrunner Eric Wallace had a message for the audience which said there would be tears in the Season 7 premiere. Wallace also added that Iris isn't in a safe space yet and the opening episode of the upcoming season would give fans a precise idea of where she actually is.
"These last three episodes of this season were already written, and in fact, the episode after this, where you get to see exactly where Iris went to, has already been 90-percent shot," he continued. "So, it's very strange for me that we were one day away from finishing that episode which suddenly is our Season 7 premiere. Fortunately, you find out where Iris went and, oh boy, will there be tears. Oh my. Tears in our season premiere."
Wallace also added there were some hints in Episode 19 that gave fans an idea of what would happen next. "Oh God, yes. In fact, as I watched this episode, I got worried that you can figure out everything that’s coming — because I know, having read the scripts, but also all the clues are there if you’ve been paying attention," Wallace said. "We’ve literally told you everything that’s going to happen. Literally."
As far as Season 7 is concerned, it can be safely assumed that Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor) will continue to be the main antagonist until Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash take her down. Fans were hoping to see Godspeed as the new villain in the upcoming installment, but it looks like the Scarlet Speedster's immediate mission is to stop the Mirror Master.