When will 'The Flash' Season 7 air? Here's what to expect from The CW's popular superhero series

Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is in a bit of a rut. He is losing his powers faster than he can say Flash and his wife Iris (Candice Patton) is still stuck in the Mirrorverse and she is beginning to unravel. 'The Flash' Season 6 ended four episodes earlier than it was supposed to due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and so those remaining four have been folded into the upcoming season 7, which will air in January 2021.
There's a lot that Season 7 has to address, including Iris being rescued from the Mirrorverse, bringing Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor) down, and the return of Barry's powers. As things stand, Barry's powers are dying quickly, and they need to create an artificial speed force, else he will be completely powerless. At the end of Season 6, we saw Iris disappearing in the Mirrorverse after she learns to control it. This could either mean that she is getting new powers too or maybe the neural dissonance got to her. Godspeed returned in Season 6 for a quick and hurried episode, which means that he could be the Big Bad in Season 7. One can hope right?
Going by the trailer, there's a lot of drama that's yet to unfold. Barry will put everything on the line to get Iris back, who is having a rather hard time in the Mirrorverse as she is seeing a 'product' of her broken mind. She's given the choice between survival and insanity.
'The Flash' Season 6 dealt with several storylines. The first half of the season dealt with 'Crisis On Infinite Earths', the devolvement of Bloodwork (Sendhil Ramamurthy) into a villain, as well as the preparation for Barry's impending disappearance. Bloodwork was put away, and then the heroes of the Arrowverse saw the multiverse being obliterated by a wave of anti-matter released by the Anti-Monitor. The world was rebirthed, with several drastic changes. However, there was no time for Barry to take a breather. While tracking down the sinister activities of Joseph Carver (Eric Nenninger) and the Black Hole organization, Iris got abducted into the Mirrorverse by Mirror Mistress Eva who had her own unfinished business with Carver. For a long time, Barry did not know that he was living with a mirror-clone of Iris. He eventually found out, and there was a Terminator-like fight between the two of them, and Mirror-Iris died. At the end of Season 6, Barry promised to get Iris back at any cost.
'The Flash' will return in January 2021 on The CW, Tuesdays at 8 pm.