'The Flash' Season 6: What happened to Eobard Thawne during 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'?

While 'The Flash' Season 5 predominantly focused on Cicada as a key villain, it later threw a shocking surprise when it brought back Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) and Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy) in the second part of the series. With 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Part 3 done, Season 6 will resume its post-'Crisis' storyline, and the biggest question is: Will the Reverse-Flash and XS return?
Last we saw, Reverse-Flash sped off to freedom with the hint line, "See you in our next Crisis" while Nora was erased from the timeline. The result of this was the speedy arrival of the 'Crisis'. With the multiverse-breaking battle set to end in the next two episodes, the question mark over Thawne's return remains as we're yet to ascertain where the evil speedster is. There are a couple of theories doing the rounds:
The Reverse-Flash is one of the victims of the 'Crisis'
Considering that the anti-matter wave disintegrated the entire multiverse, all traces of life have been snuffed out leaving only the Paragons marooned in the Vanishing Point. It is possible that the Reverse-Flash has died when the earths were obliterated.
The Reverse-Flash is still out there
The Vanishing Point has survived the end of the multiverse and with Thawne, after his getaway in the previous season, could have managed to break away from the existing timeline. That implies the speedster could have zoomed in to a pocket dimension and escaped the shattering of the multiverse. He may either end up being in the Vanishing Point itself and manage to come back when the epic battle ends or be revived with the rest of the world when the battle comes to a close.
XS' Return
Could she return as a doppelganger? Thanks to the wider canvas of the 'Crisis', this is definitely a possibility. According to We Got This Covered, Jessica Parker Kennedy will appear in the event as XS. It’s currently unclear how, given what happened to the character. The most logical explanation is the Speed Force taking her form to probably support Barry (Grant Gustin) when he needs it the most. The alternative option is to bring her back to existence as the baby girl we saw her in 'The Last Temptation of Barry Allen' Part 1.
'The Crisis on Infinite Earths' Part 4 airs on January 14, 2020.