'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 8 review: Barry Allen and his team's showdown with Bloodwork provides an exciting entry into the 'Crisis'
Before the onset of 'Crisis On Infinite Earths', Barry Allen got caught in another crisis that did not merit a two-part mid-season finale. However, the episode despite its clunky bits, was not a disappointment and set up the multiversal Crisis that will hit our superheroes in the next episode. In the previous episode, the Flash had been infected by Bloodwork, and could not resist the temptation of living a happy life with Iris and surviving the Crisis.
However, this choice has dark indications as he turned into the Negative Flash. The team relies on every trick in the book, from emotions to technology, to get their leader back.
There were several highs in this episode, including Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Iris (Candice Patton) working together to save Barry (Grant Gustin) from becoming a complete minion of Bloodwork (Sendhil Ramamurthy). This is probably the most stressed we've seen Cisco as he struggles to take on the leadership role that Barry had once faithfully bestowed on him. Cisco and Iris' resolute hope that Barry is still in there somewhere is what drives the episode forward and gives the Bloodwork arc a satisfactory conclusion, for now.
Iris even stands her ground against Negative Flash and tries telling him to 'Come Home' with the belief that Barry can hear her. Later, Bloodwork repeats the same words to her which strengthens her faith that all is not lost. And all is not lost indeed, in this Bloodwork story, that is. He has been one of the best and most intriguing villains of the show. Sadly, it's time to put away Bloodwork, as the stakes pile on higher with the imminent Crisis.
Bloodwork finally transforms into the monster that us comic book nerds have been waiting to see, and it was far from a failure. Bloodwork evolves into this gigantic monster when he gets more worked up. In the comics, the Flash shut him down by jolting his chest with negative speed force, which stopped his heart and shut down his powers for a brief period of time. In this episode, the Flash employs a different tactic, playing on his doubts and insecurities, just the way Bloodwork had done with him in the previous episode.
And in the scene that was shown in 'Supergirl' and 'Batwoman' teaser, Nash Wells says ominously, "For so many years, I’ve traveled across worlds — across the multiverse — to do one thing: kill you. And now, here, you saved my life." In return, a voice tells him to “begin your life anew," and he is consumed by light, making the way for Pariah.
The episode was quite enjoyable, but the scenes with Nash Wells (Tom Cavanagh) fighting off Bloodwork's zombies in those tunnels felt rather contrived and forced, and didn't really add much to the story. Apart from this, the supposedly-moving moments in the final countdown to the Crisis between Barry and his team seemed rather obligatory. There was a rather bland reminiscing scene of all of them sitting around and talking about the good times.
The show has always done a commendable job with portraying sentiments and powerful emotions, but this one didn't make the cut. The most irritating part of the episode was Caitlyn/ Frost having a conversation with herself which came across as more unintentionally hilarious rather than motivating at all.
The 'Crisis' hits 'The Flash' on December 10. What will happen next? The show airs on CW, on Tuesdays.