'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 3: What is the Eternium that Tom Cavanagh's Harrison Wells is searching for in 'Dead Man Running'?

This article contains spoilers for 'The Flash' season 6 episode 3: 'Dead Man Running'
The third episode of 'The Flash' finally presents the latest version of Tom Cavanagh's Harrison Wells, well Harrison "Nash" Wells to be precise. Six seasons have given us various avatars of the characters and this one with an air of an Indiana Jones around him as he sets on his own mission— looking for an item which he calls "Eternium".
The element is well-known to DC Comics fans. It first appeared in Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 4) #110 in 1998. According to comicbook, Eternium was the name christened to matter shards that were cast when the Rock Of Eternity was destroyed. Fans may also recollect the Rock of Eternity as the lair of Shazam the wizard. According to the comics, the Eternium is a powerful element that strips off the powers of Shazam and can cause some serious damage if any sort of physical contact is made.
At the moment, it's unclear why Nash Wells is searching for Eternium. So far, the only thing known is that there is a Harrison Wells who's set to flip Central City in and out in search of the element. He comes across as a man in a hurry and his first encounter with Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Iris (Candice Patton) doesn't exactly go well. He threatens Cisco with a nightmare-inducing ruby that looks damn similar to Morpheus' Ruby used to manipulate dreams. The Ruby is the second Sandman related- element used in the Arrowverse. The Book of Destiny was the first and played a major role in the 'Elseworlds' crossover.
It won't come as a surprise if Eternium and the Ruby will play instrumental roles in future episodes. It is also interesting to see how these may play a role in 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'
'The Flash' season 6 airs Tuesdays at 9 pm on The CW.