'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 10: Iris West may go dark and fans can't wait to see her 'evil' avatar
It has been a while since Iris West (Candice Patton) took over the reins of The CW show 'The Flash'. In the latest episode, titled 'Marathon', Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) investigates Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) last gift to him, while Iris is on her mission to understand the dangerous new villains in town.
She sets out to track down the mysterious Black Hole, almost getting herself killed in the process. However, just as Iris thinks she has a lead, a rather frightening pair of hands pulls her into a mirror. In the promo for the next episode, we see a different and rather icy Iris.
The episode 'Marathon' was gripping and had the fans on the edge of their seats. There was a lot of information to unpack as it was the first episode after the multiversal Crisis that had struck the Arrowverse.
Fans were quite relieved that it was an Iris West-centric episode. A fan tweeted, "I just watched one of the BEST Iris West-Allen episodes of #TheFlash. I refuse to watch #SOTU and mess up a perfectly good feeling. Better yet #IrisWestAllenForPresident. Loving the love @ewrote is showing/giving the "LEADING LADY"! @candicepatton is on FIRE! Strong women RULE!"
The idea of Iris being evil is quite exciting. "WAIT DID SOMEONE SAY EVIL IRIS?? Deadasss???? MY TIME HAS COME??" tweeted a fan. Another wrote, "I'm finally getting my evil Iris rights!"
"Can't wait for Next Week Episode. Evil Iris ohh Shittt," wrote another fan. "Loving Iris getting more screen time.and evil badass Iris I'm here for of course her husband would know something wrong bring it on," tweeted another fan.
However, another fan was rather rattled by the ending, "That ending!! Holy shit..what..what just happened with Iris?!!"
"Iris I knew something bad was going to happen to you !!!!!!!!!!" wrote another one.
'The Flash' airs on The CW on Tuesdays at 8 pm.