'The Flash', DC's Legends of Tomorrow's episodes on March 24 and 31 delayed, expected air dates not announced

While 'The Flash' and 'DC's Legend of Tomorrow' will air as per schedule this week on The CW, the network has announced changes for the following week's schedule saying the new episodes, scheduled to air on March 24 and March 31 will be replaced by reruns. While 'LoT' had a new episode, 'Zari, Not Zari' on March 24, both shows did have new episodes on March 31. Expected airdates have not been announced as yet.
Even though there is no official explanation at the moment, Comicbook, in its report, said it could be that the network could look at spacing out completed episodes after production on some of The CW shows have had to be stopped following coronavirus concerns. However, the synopsis for the episodes of both the shows was released by The CW well in advance.
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' | March 24 | 'Zari, Not Zari'
The official synopsis reads: "MEMORIES – Sara (Caity Lotz), Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) find themselves in British Columbia searching for another piece of the Loom, but they run into a problem they couldn’t have foreseen."
"Zari (Tala Ashe) has been having trouble feeling like herself, so she goes on a meditative journey at the suggestion of Behrad (guest star Shayan Sobhian). Meanwhile, Ava (Jes Macallan) volunteers to try and help Rory (Dominic Purcell) with a personal problem. Nick Zano and Olivia Swann also star. Kevin Mock directed the episode written by Morgan Faust & Tyron Carter."
'The Flash' | March 31 | 'So Long and Goodnight'
The official synopsis reads: "BLACK HOLE THREATENS JOE’S LIFE – After Black Hole hires Rag Doll (guest star Troy James) to kill Joe (Jesse L. Martin), Singh (guest star Patrick Sabongui) suggests he go into Witness Protection but Joe refuses to stop investigating Carver (guest star Eric Nenninger)."
"While investigating Carver with Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) runs into Sue (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss). Iris (Candice Patton) becomes suspicious of Eva (guest star Efrat Dor). Alexandra La Roche directed the episode written by Kristen Kim & Thomas Pound."
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' | March 31 | 'The Great British Fake-Off'
The official synopsis reads: "WE’VE GOT COMPANY – With Sara (Caity Lotz) recuperating from her latest battle, Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) starts to notice something might not be right with her. Still searching for the Loom, Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Zari (Tala Ashe) find themselves trapped in a 1910 boarding house with a slew of out-of-time Encores."
"Meanwhile, Ava (Jes Macallan), Gary (guest star Gary Tsekhman) and Rory (Dominic Purcell) take a trip while Nate (Nick Zano) and Charlie hold down the Waverider. Olivia Swann also stars. David Geddes directed the episode written by Jackie Canino."
'The Flash' airs Tuesdays 8 pm followed by 'Legends of Tomorrow' at 9 pm ET/PT on The CW.