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'The Five' host Jesse Watters calls out Joe Biden for vacationing during Maui wildfire crisis

'Joe Biden is the only person who spends more time on vacation than I do,' Jesse Watters said
'The Five' host Jesse Watters slammed President Joe Biden for going on too many vacations (@jessewatters/Instagram, John Moore/Getty Images)
'The Five' host Jesse Watters slammed President Joe Biden for going on too many vacations (@jessewatters/Instagram, John Moore/Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Democrats and Republicans have been hurling allegations at each other concerning the legal scandals surrounding their main Presidential election candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

Now, Fox News has added to the list of issues they have with President Biden.

After an extended absence while on vacation, 'The Five' host Jesse Watters returned to the panel to call out Biden for vacationing more than he does. 

The host's comment was in reference to the President allegedly ignoring his responsibilities in the face of the wildfire crisis that unfolded in Maui over the past fortnight. 

Jesse Watters slams Joe Biden for going on too many vacations

Watters called out POTUS for his inadequate response to the Maui wildfires. 

"Joe Biden is the only person who spends more time on vacation than I do," the host said, "It took him five days to address the deadliest wildfires in modern American history. Took him six days to address the Afghanistan evacuation. Again, he was on vacation for both."

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Watters then added that it took Biden too long to actually get to Maui and pay attention to the suffering of the disaster victims. 

"He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to Maui," Watters said. "He didn't want to go out and talk to the press about it because the press was going to ask him about Hunter Biden."

Jesse Watters calls out 'incompetence'

Watters also addressed the major blunders in the handling of the Maui wildfires that caused loss of life and property.

"So, he doesn't even want an investigation into what caused these fires," the host said. "We know why, because there was incompetence all over this state."


'The Five' host went on to bring up multiple issues that led to lapses in getting help for the affected population. He mentioned that the "sirens were not activated" and there were hours of delays in water reaching the areas where the fire was still blazing. 

The Fox host, like many other Republicans, also claimed that global warming was not the main cause of the wildfires. 

"You can blame your incompetence on global warming but global warming doesn't get to respond to that," Watters said. "Everybody now just talks about global warming instead of all the massive screw-ups that have taken place on this poor island."