Pornhub campaign for 'The Dirtiest Porn Ever' has an important message to deliver, and it's got nothing to do with sex

It's a clear summer day. A pretty great-looking couple, at least from what you can tell from behind, walks down a Carribean beach, hand in hand. The wind blows through her hair and these two look ready to jump each other's bones. But, there's so much trash around, you're kind of wondering what Pornhub's most popular amateur couple LeoLulu are doing on it.
Pornhub has just launched its very creative anti-pollution campaign, 'Dirtiest Porn Ever' in collaboration with Ocean Polymers, an organization that is working to provide a sustainable solution to remove and process ocean waste. For every view that the video gets, the adult entertainment site will be making a donation to the organization, to help them in their mission to provide a sustainable solution to the removal and processing of ocean waste.
The collaboration came about when the Officer and Gentlemen, a Madrid based marketing and advertising agency called up Ocean Polymers, Heather Wigglesworth, Executive Director of Ocean Polymers told MEA World Wide(MEAWW). "When they contacted us, my co-director and I thought long and hard about the positives and negatives of such an alignment, we completely understand that some people might be uncomfortable with our partnering with Pornhub, or any brand within the adult industry for that matter," Wigglesworth tells us earnestly. It was an unusual partnership, after all.
But the fact of the matter remained that whether or not someone approved of adult entertainment, it was an important message that would definitely help spread awareness. "No one can deny its massive popularity," she tells us, noting that the site alone receives over 100 million unique visitors a day from around the world, "We’re not here to judge those who produce porn, work in the industry, or those who consume it. Our mission has always been to reach as many people as we can with our message in order to incite change," she said, addressing some backlash the collaboration has garnered. To them, the campaign was an opportunity to reach out to "an absolutely enormous audience in an attention-grabbing way and is ultimately in line with our mission to spread awareness of the crisis we face," she said. The planet really needs it now, more than ever.
More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year. Globally we produce over 300 million tons of plastic every year, 50% of which is the easily replaceable single-use plastic, which is convenient for a minute but takes hundreds of years to actually break down. Seabirds have been found with plastics in their stomach, mammals have died in recent years because of consuming them and there are hundreds and thousands of species that get entangled in plastic. Not to mention that the plastics we dump into the oceans come back to us in the food we eat.
“What’s perhaps even more shocking, is that scientists predict that there will be more plastic than fish within our oceans in only 30 years,” said Corey Price, Vice President of Pornhub in a statement. “Ocean pollution has grown to become of the most significant global issues of our lifetime, and it’s only getting worse. That’s why it’s imperative that we use our platform to raise awareness and inspire change – not just for the time being but for generations to come. We’re dirty here at Pornhub, but that doesn’t mean our beaches need to be.”
Ocean Polymers hopes that after this project more and more mainstream brands come aboard and use their voices to ignite positive change on behalf of the planet. "We are all part of this problem and humanities impact on our earth is not subjective to 1 country, ethnicity, sex or industry, so why wouldn’t we engage all channels possible to share the message and make people think about their impact. Ultimately we must all work together to be part of the solution," she says.
Some may call it a PR stunt while others may call it anything under the sun, one thing is for certain - this has to be one of the most creative ways to grab attention on the issue.