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'The Curse Of Oak Island' Season 7 Ending Explained: Why Marty Lagina's rediscovery of his coin is so crucial

Marty Lagina finds the coin he buried two years on Oak Island, ten feet away from where he had kept it earlier
UPDATED APR 30, 2020
Marty Lagina (History Channel)
Marty Lagina (History Channel)

The finale of 'The Curse Of Oak Island' aired on April 28 and left us with more questions than answers. In the episode titled 'Timeline', the team reviewed the information and data that they had gathered from the mysterious island and tried to trace them to their respective timelines in order to put the pieces of the 200-year-old puzzle together. The island was supposed to be inhabited, so then how come there are shreds of evidence to prove otherwise? And of course, in this context, the famous Knight's Templar is brought up again as the team is determined to find a link.

In the War Room, Marty Lagina brings out a toonie that he had tossed into the H8 site, a borehole, where they had found fragments of human bone and pottery. He decided to carry out an experiment and throw it into the borehole. He hoped that if he ever located the coin, he could understand whether it would have drifted. And so, he and Gary Drayton found it a week ago. This means that the toonie traveled ten feet. And so, this leads to the solid proof that metal objects could move 'quite readily', and be swept several feet underground. This explains why no one is able to find the elusive treasure, says Marty Lagina. 

So how much would the treasure have moved? The Money Pit area has undergone several changes over the years and this means more work for the Fellowship. The team comes to the determined conclusion that there is treasure on the island. However, the expenses are going to escalate, as it includes the cost of digging a 100-foot wide hole down to 200 feet in the money pit. It would cost not just millions, but tens of millions, as Marty Lagina says. And they all come to the solemn agreement that 'there is treasure. We just haven't found it yet.'

More than monetary profit, there is tremendous historical value attached to the island. The Laginas are sure they're rewriting history and they're not going to give up on the island. There is something on the island that is something worth pursuing, they decide. And of course, friendship and brotherhood are values to always cherish.

Will there be a Season 8? Well, that remains to be seen.