'The Chi' Season 3 Episode 3 Preview: Will Victor Trig be instrumental in finding Kiesha Williams?

It has been two breezy episodes of 'The Chi' so far and the one plot point that has left the audience intrigued is Kiesha Williams's (Birgundi Baker) disappearance. S**t hit the roof when the Williams' realized their daughter was missing. The fact that Kevin (Alex Hibbert) knew she had been out and hadn't informed Nina (Tyla Abercrumbie) and Dre (Miriam AHyman) who were searching all over town for her is also intriguing. Kevin, meanwhile, does some snooping of his own and figures out she's dating a new guy, Nuck (Cortez Smith).
With a scared-as-hell Papa and a defiant Jake, he sets off to confront Nuck who aims a gun straight at Kevin's head. The question though remains unanswered. For now, the working theory is that Keisha is at Nuck's apartment, but it remains to be seen how Kevin will be able to get her out. The promo hints at an answer no one saw coming and it has to do with Victor Trig (Luke James) coming into the picture to assist Kevin after Jake (Michael V Epps) reaches out for help.
This also serves as a way to intertwine Trig as part of the storyline while the logline also hints at new developments for Emmett (Jacob Latimore). The official synopsis reads: "The Williams family goes into a tailspin. Emmett and Tiff devise a plan to move in with Jada while he gets his new business off the ground. Ronnie gets a not-so-friendly reminder that his neighborhood has a long memory of his past deeds." Last we saw, Jada (Yolonda Ross) is seen having a hook-up with a masseuse and a livid Emmett says this cannot continue.
Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons behind Emmett and Tiffany's move to Jada's house. Ronnie is yet to come into the picture and the upcoming episode will probably see him chipping in to help search for Kiesha. The promo sees the main characters running across town handing out missing posters of Kiesha. The clip also adds that she has been missing for a week now. Will Kiesha be found? It is likely we might hear from her probably from Episode 4.
'The Chi' Season 3 airs Sundays 9 pm ET on Showtime.