The Big Bang Theory: Trump fans turn on Chuck Lorre for the F (Fascist) Bomb he dropped on 'autocratic golf cheater'
Chuck Lorre was never one to shy away from taking a shot at President Donald Trump and he proved that yet again by dropping the "f-bomb" on him in the latest episode of 'The Big Bang Theory.' Calling Trump a fascist, Lorre prayed to god on the vanity card for the episode titled 'The Imitation Perturbation,' to rebuke the "fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering, demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater" who sits in the White House. Although Trump remained unnamed, you don't get any points for guessing this message attributed to the Commander-In-Chief.
The pre-midterm election prayer read: "God, (I call you that even though I suspect thou art well beyond names and words and might actually be some sort of ineffable quantum situation), I humbly beseech thee to make thy presence known on November 6th. Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths. Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering, demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf cheater is what we need right now, then, you know, thy will be done. But if thou art inclined to more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more of the good stuff thou hath been promoting in our hearts or our parietal lobes – either one, doesn’t really matter – I submissively ask that thy encourage voter turnout in that general direction. Also God, please help Bob Mueller. Guide him and make him strong, brave, wise and true. And yes, I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side. Amen. Oh, almost forgot, remind those who collaborate with the darkness that thou art the light, and the light is not above whipping out a little Old Testament wrath. Amen again."