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'The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart' Finale: Chris and Bri's win cheers fans up after Rudi and Matt's exit

Fans were happy for Chris Watson and Bri Strauss after they won the musical version of 'The Bachelor', with their off the charts chemistry and talent
UPDATED MAY 19, 2020
Bri Strauss, Chris Watson (ABC/John Fleenor)
Bri Strauss, Chris Watson (ABC/John Fleenor)

The finale of 'The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart' left fans feeling shocked when Rudi and Matt decided to leave the show because Matt wasn't ready for a relationship. Fans had been rooting for the couple to win the show, but when they decided to leave the show, everybody began looking at Chris Watson and Bri Strauss to win the show. Chris and Bri were strong contenders on the show, considering how smitten they were about each other, plus their talent and their chemistry made them an obvious choice. 

The couple hit a roadblock when Bri wasn't keen on spending the night in the fantasy suite with Chris. She gently expressed to him that she wanted to take things slowly and would appreciate if he were patient with her. Despite her anxiety and fears, Chris readily accepted her request to take their relationship slowly. Bri began second-guessing her decision to taking things slowly when she saw fellow contestants Jamie and Trevor being all lovey-dovey. She started feeling insecure and wondering if Chris and she were a good fit.

Thankfully, she put all her negative thoughts and self-doubts away and went on to knock everybody's socks off with a brilliant final performance. The chemistry between the couple was off the charts which left the judges awestruck. Taye Diggs was left in tears when he watched the beautiful performance between the couple. He even admitted that he would pay good money to watch them perform. While fellow judge Rita Wilson seemed sure that they would be making babies with their song! Finally, it was time for the judges to decide who would win the first-ever title of 'The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart'. The prize included recording a studio album with a famous record producer and going on a tour as a couple to promote their music. The judges declared Bri and Chris as the winners, 

Fans were thrilled with the couple's victory. A fan tweeted, "Bri and Chris are so amazing, I called them winning when they went on their first date I love them #ListenToYourHeart." Another fan wrote, " Let’s Go Chris and Bri congrats on winning #ListenToYourHeart #LTYH y’all have been my fav couple since the show started." "Oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! YESS!! I am so excited and balling my eyes out! Chris and Bri deserved this and I am SOO happy for them!! YAY!! #ListenToYourHeart @chrisbharrison
@Listen2HeartABC," expressed a fan.

Another fan shared, "IM SO HAPPYYY chris & bri deserved the win since the beginning! YAYYYY #ListenToYourHeart @bristauss @tellemwatson one of the best couples the bachelor has seen in a long time ."

"The fact that Chris and Bri are still together and in love has made me happier than I probably should be #ListenToYourHeart ," expressed a fan. "Chris!!!! You & Bri have made me cry happy tears every episode! You always chose each other! You consistently gave strong performances! You were the most in love on the show! You deserve everything & MORE! Congrats on winning AND finding love! #ListenToYourHeart ," declared a fan.  The post-show montage revealed that the couple are still very much in love and are busy recording their album.