'The Amazing Race' Season 32: Kaylynn and Haley Williams get eliminated after facing the yield twice

'The Amazing Race' Season 32 had its first mega leg race and undoubtedly, the teams had to fight hard to ensure they were still in the running. The race began with all the teams heading to India and performing different tasks to make it to the pitstop. While all the teams struggled, one team that seemed to have bad luck following them was Kaylynn and Haley Williams.
Kaylynn and Haley had a bad start to the race as they struggled to complete the first task that was given to them. The pair found it hard to find the auto-rickshaws that was needed to complete the task. Their bad luck seemed to follow them when they lost their way while heading to their second location. However, their worst fears came true when they realized Will Jardell and James Wallington used their yield on them. Will and James wanted to make sure their alliance had a fair chance in the race. The only team that was not part of their alliance was Kaylynn and Haley. Keeping this in mind, they thought it would be a good idea to put the sisters on blast.
With 20 minutes of yield given to them, Kaylynn and Haley were pushed to the last spot. The sisters didn't let this affect their race as they forged through the competition. Just when they thought they would be able to complete the race on time, Kaylynn and Haley noticed they were given another yield. This time, Riley and Maddison McKibbin used their yield. Riley and Maddison wanted to help Chee Lee and Hung Nguyen in the game. They noticed Hung and Chee were struggling in the race and thought the yield would help them stay in the game. With another 20 minutes added to their time, Kaylynn and Haley had to wait to continue the race.
For a long time, the sisters had luck on their side as they continued to save themselves from elimination. Even the cast members were shocked by it. However, their luck seemed to have finally given up on them. Kaylynn and Haley became the last team to arrive as they were pushed to the lost spot because of two yields.
The sisters admitted their relationship grew stronger as they completed every task on the race. Even though their journey had ended, Kaylynn and Haley were happy to be part of the show.
'The Amazing Race' season 32 airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.