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Not POTUS behavior: Ron DeSantis loses his cool on vet, gets absolutely shredded

During a press conference, a veteran confronted Ron DeSanstis about his stance on gun policies in the context of the Jacksonville shooting
Florida Gov Ron DeSantis had a tense exchange with a veteran on Thursday, September 7 (Twitter/@therecount)
Florida Gov Ron DeSantis had a tense exchange with a veteran on Thursday, September 7 (Twitter/@therecount)

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA: Ron DeSantis was excoriated on social media after a tense exchange with a Black veteran on Thursday, September 7.

In a recent confrontation during a press conference, the veteran, who hasn't been identified as yet, confronted the Florida Governor about his stance on recent gun policies in the context of the Jacksonville shooting that took place on August 26, 2023.

Heated exchange between veteran and Ron DeSantis

The veteran expressed concerns, stating, "I feel that you have enacted policies that hurt people like myself," and referred to a tragic shooting incident at a Dollar General store, where a 21-year-old, Ryan Palmeter, shot and killed three Black customers before turning the gun on himself.

The veteran further asserted, "You have allowed weapons to be put on the street into immature hateful people that have caused the deaths of the people who were murdered a couple of weeks ago," and mentioned Trayvon Martin.

Governor DeSantis, who is also a 2024 presidential candidate, interjected, defending his position: "So first of all, I did not allow anything with that."


The veteran urged him to let him finish, but DeSantis raised his voice, stating, "I’m not gonna let you accuse me of committing criminal activity. I am not going to take that!" He continued to explain that the individual responsible for the shooting should have been ruled ineligible but wasn't involuntarily committed.

"You want to have a civil conversation, that’s one thing ... try to say that I’m letting ... that guy was Baker Acted. He should have been ruled ineligible, but they didn’t involuntarily commit him," the Florida Republican stated.

Despite the veteran's plea to continue the conversation, DeSantis firmly rejected any blame, stating, "You don’t get to come here and blame me for some madman. That is not appropriate, and I’m not going to accept it."

“You have allowed people to hunt people like me,” the man said amid groans from the crowd. “Oh, that is nonsense. That is such nonsense. We’ve done more, we’ve done more to support law enforcement in this state than anybody throughout the United States,” DeSantis shot back.

Tensions escalated, and the veteran was eventually escorted out of the venue.

Ron DeSantis faces backlash

The heated exchange drew mixed reactions from the crowd, but DeSantis was shredded on social media for losing his cool.

Some criticized DeSantis' handling of the situation, with one person remarking, "Wow, he should handle his emotions much better," and another stating, "Rob DeSantis cannot handle anything gracefully."

Concerns were raised about his ability to engage in diplomatic talks with world leaders, and some called for him to withdraw from the presidential race. "He can't handle one gentleman's questions. Imagine how he'd act in talks with world leaders. Time for him to wrap it up and go away," a comment read.

"He should just pull out of the race, he can't handle one state of citizens. How could he possibly lead all 50?" someone else wondered.

"Unfortunately, @GovRonDeSantis took the gentleman's question as a personal attack. Instead of actively listening & answering, he raises his voice defending himself. Very unprofessional demeanor for a governor, let alone a presidential candidate. Shameful," another chimed in.

"This behavior will not work if he became POTUS," someone else said.







The backdrop to this confrontation was the tragic Jacksonville shooting, where Sheriff Waters revealed that the gunman "hated Black people." The FBI initiated a federal civil rights investigation into the incident, treating it as a hate crime.

Firearm access despite mental health history

Palmeter, the shooter, was legally able to purchase the weapons used in the attack, despite having been placed under the state's care due to a mental health episode in the past under the Baker Act, as DeSantis mentioned. The shooter was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and a Glock handgun.

Governor DeSantis had previously commented on the shooting, describing Palmeter as a "scumbag" and categorizing the attack as "racially motivated."