'Tehran' Episode 6 Review: With Tamar's cover blown, how will she save Milad from the clutches of Mossad?

Things have escalated in 'Tehran'. In the previous episode, we saw Massoud (Navid Neghaban) being shot by Mossad agents as he knew too much. Frustrated Faraz Kamali (Shaun Toub) fears for his wife who is still in the hands of the agents. He finds himself in a complicated spot as he is suspended from his job for letting Massoud go.
Desperate to have some ounce of peace of mind, Faraz decides to take matters into his own hands and track down Tamar once and for all. And so, he grabs hold of Aarezoo (Esti Yerushalmi) again and forces her to make a call to Tamar's father. The episode ends on an ominous note: Faraz meets Tamar's father in Istanbul under false pretenses and the door shuts.
Meanwhile, Tamar herself isn't doing so well. In the beginning, all is well between her and Milad, and the two can barely keep their hands off each other, almost sidetracking Tamar from her real mission of being in Tehran. While cooking for Milad, she remembers the food her parents used to make. Hesitant about revealing too much emotion, she makes up another lie.
This is the closest Tamar has gotten to delving into her mysterious past — the past that always finds itself intertwined with her uncertain present. Nevertheless, Milad (Shervin Alenabi) offers her some comfort and the two raise a toast to their time together. However, Tamar's friend Kareem closes in on Tamar and realizes that she isn't who she says she is and uncovers the real identity of Zhila — the woman Tamar is pretending to be.
It gets heated between the two of them as Kareem holds a knife and Tamar points the gun at him. Unfortunately for Kareem, the Mossad agents close in and before Tamar can do anything, Kareem's fate is sealed. Tamar pleads for the agents to not kill Milad as she "still needs" him for their mission. Milad has nothing much to say after this and continues to recoil in horror as he sees the girl he loved and fought for turn into a woman who might just have murder on her hands.
At the end of the episode, the agents take Milad into their custody as he knows too much while a tired Tamar ponders over the mission and struggles to gather her wits. Romance has been struck dead and there is only the mission to be carried out — was it all worth it?
This episode seemed lethargic in the beginning but suddenly picked up the pace with Kareem's entrance and unceremonious exit. While it was pleasant to see Tamar's family showing up at long last, it would have been even better having the show dwell more on Tamar finding herself in Tehran, the hometown she had long left behind.
A nerve-wracking episode for sure, it raises questions about Tamar's future in Tehran or whether she has one at all. What will become of Milad and can Tamar save him? 'Tehran' is streaming on Apple TV+.