'Teen Mom OG' star Amber Portwood threatens to stab her baby daddy in disturbing leaked audio clips

‘Teen Mom OG’ star Amber Portwood’s troubles with Andrew Glenwood are far from over, as a new audio clip released on YouTube revealed some disturbing details of Amber’s abusive behavior towards her baby daddy.
On Thursday, September 12, a YouTube channel called Without a Crystal Ball released audio clips of the altercation between Amber and Andrew. The audio clips revealed the abusive language and behavior Amber practiced towards Andrew. In one of the clips from December 2018, we can hear Amber threatening to stab Andrew, while he was holding their baby James.
In the audio clip a woman (Amber) can be heard saying, “I’m telling James when he gets older that you’re a trashbag,” as she calls the man (Andrew) “ugly” and a “fat a**”. She then goes on to threaten to announce to the press that their relationship is “done”. All this was happening in the presence of their two-year-old son. Andrew tries to stop her from getting violent as he is holding their baby. She begins loudly yelling, “Tell me how I had a mother f*****g baby! Tell me! Tell me how!” We then hear a sound after which Andrew can be heard yelping, “Ow! I’m holding James! Stop hitting me!”
We then hear the ‘Teen Mom OG’ star getting furious and yelling at Andrew, “I will kill you! I will kill you! Get out! I’m gonna stab you in your neck.” The clip ends with Andrew asking her why she wants to stab his neck.
Amber was arrested in July when Andrew accused her of assaulting him and chasing him with a machete while he was holding James. She was charged with three felonies- domestic battery, criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon and domestic battery in the presence of a child. She was released on a $2000 bail.
This isn’t the first time Amber has gotten into trouble with the law. In 2010, she was charged with domestic assault of her then-boyfriend Gary Shirley. In 2011, she was arrested for possession of “controlled substance”, as reported by HollywoodLife.