System of A Down members post wildly opposing political views on social media about Trump administration

Metal band System of a Down that comprises talented musicians of Armenian descent has a long and checkered history of releasing politically charged songs. From 'BYOB' to 'Boom!', their sociopolitical stance is bold and unflinching, often pointing a finger directly at oppressive government imperialism and greedy warmongers. Vocalist Serj Tankian has even founded a non-profit for social reform called Axis of Justice with the similarly politically-inclined guitarist of Rage Against The Machine Tom Morello.
So it came as a surprise when two different SOAD band members aired radically divergent points of view on the polarizing Trump administration in the last few days. System of A Down drummer John Dolmayan recently shared a post on Instagram that seemed to endorse President Donald Trump. The 46-year old drummer's post included a picture of Trump along with a quote that read, "My [Trump's] administration has done more for the black community than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with Senator Tim Scott, guaranteed funding for HBCUs, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, poverty, and crime rates in history... AND THE BEST IS YET TO COME!"

Dolmayan's caption read, "Let's not let the narrative that's being spun make us forget the truth of this statement. The most attacked president in history yet the greatest friend to minorities! Don’t believe it? Look at the stats. Don’t like it, doesn't change the truth of it." This seems to be a case of "facts don't care about your feelings." Fans were quick to point out: "It’s sad that you think he set the precedent for minorities when in fact he’s taking credit for what initially Obama laid out. Don't believe me look up the facts." Another follower said, "You can keep your new album. We don't want it."
However, SOAD vocalist Serj Tankian had a completely different political stance, virtually asking for President Trump to abdicate. The 52-year-old singer's post was a reaction to the news that President Trump had been taken to an underground bunker in view of mounting threats to his life after Black Lives Matter protestors congregated en masse outside the White House last week. Trump had previously threatened these protestors with "vicious dogs" and "ominous weapons" before Secret Service agents herded him to safety.
Tankian's post read, "Run, Donny, run into your bunker. You may be the first US President to do so out of fear of your own citizens. A real leader would address the nation properly and a real man would go face the protestors on the streets in person. But like other corrupt undemocratic leaders in the past, you've realized they are not your people as you are not really our President."
He then elaborated on his views, stating "These protests are not just over race but over institutional injustices beginning with the slave era electoral college that put you in power, K Street lobbying firms, superdelegates of a two-party duopolistic Neo-liberal corporatocracy whose day has come."
He also lobbied for actions from the American public in the course of his criticism, saying "You make Antifa a terrorist organization but not the KKK? The lessons of the 2018 peaceful successful revolution in Armenia can be applied in the US and elsewhere in the world. Coordinate online and block every street everywhere and force the regime to resign. The time has come."
One fan commented, "I haven’t heard this much truth in a long time. You’re a good man Serj. One of my heroes." Another supporter said "This post just shows even more why I’m a fan — I love the music, but the music sends a message. Anyone who understands your music shouldn’t be the least bit surprised at this stance. Stay awesome, and thank you for never detouring from the right thing, even when you know it will be met with conflict."
It's interesting that both SOAD band members seem to be at odds with their assessment of the Trump current administration. But ultimately, that's what freedom of speech and living in a democracy is all about.