Teen girl brutally stabs pet cat 20 times before throwing it off second-floor balcony

A 19-year-old girl who had allegedly stabbed her pet cat, Ginger, around 20 times and then threw him off a balcony in Sydney was on a corrections order at the time.
Celina Shead was arrested at her unit in Dee Why after a worried neighbour called Triple-O. The authorities then found the body of the 11-year-old pet cat on the footpath in front of the second floor around 8.20 am on Wednesday. Shead was then taken away in handcuffs to Northern Beaches Hospital for a mental health evaluation after which she was released to police custody.
On Thursday, Shead was denied bail at the Manly Local Court and was charged with torture, beating an animal to death and aggravated animal cruelty. The court was also made aware of how she had been sentenced for 30 unrelated crimes around a week ago in the same court, said an ABC report. Her charges include bodily harm, assault, stealing and property damage, along with shoplifting, resisting arrest and being armed with intent.
She was jailed for around a year which was to be served out in the community as an intensive correction order. She also needed to keep off drugs and alcohol and also seek mental health treatment from the Northern Beaches Medical Centre. When her lawyer attempted to raise the possibility of a bail application, magistrate Mark Richardson referred to last week's 'very strict' order.
He shared, "Her behavior is completely out of control... this has been going on and on". The court also heard how Shead's bail application would need her to show why detention was not justified. Richardson had initially shared that he would deal with the bail application on Tuesday. However, post-hearing that Shead had instructed her lawyer to apply for bail on Friday, he agreed to adjourn the case.
A second cat was rescued from the flat Shead lived in along with her father and sisters and was placed in the care of RSPCA.