'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40: Parvati sells Michele an advantage and fans love the 'scammer queen'

Parvati Shallow sells an advantage to Michelle for four fire tokens and fans are all for it.
'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40 is back again for its ninth episode, and Parvati Shallow sure knows how to play the game even from the Edge of Extinction.
Last week we saw the first castaway (Tyson Apostol) from the Edge of Extinction make their way back into the game during the merge. We also witnessed Wendell Holland make his way to the Edge of Extinction after he was voted off during tribal council.
Returning on Wednesday night, Michele Fitzgerald wasn't happy being left out of the loop about Wendell's elimination. Meanwhile, at the Edge of Extinction, the castaways at EoE get a clue about “history repeating itself".
So the castaways head out to the top of the mountain in pairs searching for the advantage. Natalie Anderson made sure Wendell didn't get the advantage because he just got voted off.
While the contestants were occupied searching for the advantage on top of the mountain, Danni Boatwright remembered that Aubrey who played in the previous season of Edge of Extinction found an advantage beside one of the steps, so she speculated that the fire token might be there again.
And right enough, Parvati, who was paired with Danni, found the advantage right there. The advantage was a wooden coin that would give a castaway back in the game an opportunity to flip it for a 50/50 chance. So they decided to sell it to Michele who has the most number of fire tokens, which was four. They decided to buy some peanut butter with it and decided to tell the other castaways about it too.
Taking to Twitter after seeing Parvati's impressive game plan of getting the fire tokens for peanut butter, fans called her the scammer queen and affirmed that it was a good move. "Parvati’s straight up robbing people from the Edge now. SCAMMER QUEEN. I love it," a fan wrote.
"Parvati shallow being rich on the edge we love to see it #Survivor," a fan shared. While another added, "Parvati’s best move in 4 seasons was selling the 50/50 coin for 4 fire tokens #survivor." Another fan shared, "Parvati with the successful transaction still impressed #Survivor."
Do you support Parvati's move? Let us know in the comments below.
'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40 airs every Wednesday night only on CBS. Check your local listings for more information.