'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40: Is Michele still into Wendell? Fans say yes after she votes Yul out

Does Michele Fitzgerald still have feelings for Wendell Holland? Fans certainly seem to think so as it does seem evident from her behavior and decision making this season.
'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40 returned on Wednesday night for Episode 7. While viewers were shocked to see Sandra Diaz raise the flag and head back home after she was cast away to the Edge of Extinction, what threw them off even more was seeing Yul Kwon get voted out during the tribal council.
However, above that all, what fans were most frustrated about was the relationship between Michele and Wendell. Recently, when the tribe swap was about to take place, Michele started ranting about how she was going to be stuck on the beach with her "ex-boyfriend".
Until the point where Michele revealed that she dated someone from the series after the season, no one knew that someone from the series had a relationship with another player.
It was during the elimination that viewers discovered that Wendell was her ex-boyfriend. The duration of their relationship is unknown, but what fans do speculate is that Michele still has feelings for him.
When 'Survivor: Winners at War' aired, fans got to know that she gave Wendell a fire token. Her emotional attraction toward Wendell resulted in Yul getting eliminated and left fans furious. But that's not all, what sent them speculating was her telling Wendell that she likes to see him shake in his boots a little.
Looking at the way she handled things tonight, fans wondered if she still has feelings for Wendell. Taking to Twitter, one fan wrote, "It was obvious Michele wasn’t voting out Wendell. Is she playing #Bachelor or #Survivor? Second time calling @wendellholland babe."
"Michele is that girl who is constantly dating losers and always getting burned because she thinks that her lover is going to change but never does. #Survivor," a fan wrote. Another said, "Omg! Michele was so stupid to vote out Yul! She's clearly still in love with him."
"Why does Michele continue to work with Wendell when he treats her like garbage?? She even acts like she still likes him/flirts with him. It's so disgusting," a fan shared.
Another wrote, "The tribals on #Survivor this season and the people voted off are the most idiotic moves ever. How is Wendell STILL in this game? Oh I know, because Michele is blinded by her need to be wanted by the douche."
"Omg Michele is soooo desperate fawning over Wendell. It's embarrassing. You're going to screw your game for a dumb man that obviously doesn't want you. Pathetic #Survivor," a fan shared while another wrote, "Michele looks like an idiot ex girlfriend hoping to win the uninterested boy back. Dumb move. #Survivor."
"Michele is still into Wendell. This is the only explanation why she would choose to vote Yul over him. #Survivor40," a fan added.
'Survivor: Winners at War' Season 40 airs every Wednesday night on CBS. Check your local listings for more information.